Ad Hoc Grid Input File

The simulateConcurrentUsage command supports both native mode and standard mode ad hoc grids. In a native mode grids, the POVs are displayed as a part of the Oracle Smart View for Office plug-in tool bar. In standard mode, the POVs are a part of the spreadsheet itself and occupy the first row of the spreadsheet.

The ad hoc grid input file, referenced in requirement.csv to support the opening of Ad Hoc grids, should specify the grid to open. Each line of the file should be in the following format.

filename=xlsx filename#sheet name; pov=[DIM 1:MEMBER 1],[DIM 2:MEMBER 2]..; rows=[ROW HEADER 1, ROW HEADER 2,..]; cols=[COL HEADER 1, COL HEADER 2,..]

A sample input file:

fileName=dropdown.xlsx#sheet4;pov=[HSP_View:BaseData],[Scenario:Forecast],[Product:No Product],[Entity:Sales Mid-Atlantic];rows = [ Account ]; cols= [Year, Period, Version]


The file identified by fileName in the input CSV file must contain the ad hoc grid definition in the specified sheet. For example, the preceding sample input file specifies sheet4 of dropdown.xlsx as the source for the ad hoc grid definition. This Excel file must, along with requirement.csv and the input CSV file, be available in the that is used to run the simulateConcurrentUsage command.