Synchronizing EPM Cloud Dimensions with Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud Applications

This sample scenario explores synchronizing a dimension between an Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud application and an Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud application.

You use the scripts in this section to complete these tasks:

  • Export metadata (dimensions) from an EPM Cloud application
  • Copy the export files containing dimension data to an Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud environment
  • Import dimension metadata into the Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud application

To synchronize a dimension between an EPM Cloud application and an Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud application:

  1. Create a Windows script file by copying the following script:
    rem Integration example to sync an application dimension between EPM Cloud and EDM
    rem Windows script for demonstration purposes only; do not use in production environments
    set EDMUSER=userid
    set EDMSVR=https://hostname
    set EDMPWDFILE=example_EDM.epw
    set EDMAPP=appname
    set EDMDIM=dimname
    set EPMUSER=userid
    set EPMSVR=https://hostname
    set PWDFILE=example_epm.epw
    set EPMEXPJOB=exportjobname
    rem Synchronizing EPM ---> EDM
    rem Export Metadata from EPM
    call epmautomate login %EPMUSER% %PWDFILE% %EPMSVR%
    call epmautomate exportmetadata %EPMEXPJOB%
    call epmautomate logout
    rem Import Dimension to EDM
    rem Log into the EDM environment
    call epmautomate login %EDMUSER% %EDMPWDFILE% %EDMSVR%
    rem Copy exported metadata file into the EDM environment
    call epmautomate copyfilefrominstance %EPMUSER% %PWDFILE% %EPMSVR%
    call epmautomate importdimension %EDMAPP% %EDMDIM% ReplaceNodes
    call epmautomate logout

    Modify the script file and set the required parameter values. See Parameters for Script Execution for explanation and example of the parameters.

  2. Run the script manually or schedule it to run as needed. See Automating Script Execution.