
Runs the calculation process in Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management applications.

Applies to

Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management

Required Roles

Service Administrator


epmautomate calculateModel POV_NAME MODEL_NAME EXECUTION_TYPE [povDelimiter=DELIMITER] [optimizeForReporting=true|false] [captureDebugScripts=true|false] [comment=COMMENT] [PARAMETER=VALUE], where:
  • POV_NAME is the name of the data POV to be calculated. To calculate multiple POVs, list POV names separated by a comma as the delimiter. Do not use any other delimiter to separate POV names. Enclose the list of POV names in double quotes when there are spaces in member names.
  • MODEL_NAME is the name of the model to be calculated. Enclose the model name in double quotes if the name contains spaces.
  • EXECUTION_TYPE is one of the following, which identifies rule execution type.
    • ALL_RULES to use all rules to calculate the POV.

      If you specify this value, do not specify rule subset or single rule related runtime parameters such as rulesetSeqNumStart, rulesetSeqNumEnd, and ruleName.

    • RULESET_SUBSET to use a subset of a ruleset to calculate the POV.

      If you use this value, you must specify rulesetSeqNumStart and rulesetSeqNumEnd values as runtime parameters.

    • SINGLE_RULE to run a specific rule to calculate the POV.

      If you use this value, you must only specify a ruleName as the runtime parameter.

    • RUN_FROM_RULE to run calculations on a POV starting from a specific rule.

      If you use this value, you must only specify a ruleName as the runtime parameter.

    • STOP_AFTER_RULE to stop calculating the POV after a specific rule has finished calculations.

      If you use this value, you must only specify a ruleName as the runtime parameter.

  • povDelimiter, optionally, is the delimiter used in POV values. The default delimiter is :: (double colon). Delimiter must be enclosed in double quotation marks. Only these delimiters are supported:
    • _ (under score)
    • # (hash)
    • & (ampersand)
    • ~ (tilde)
    • % (percentage)
    • ; (semicolon)
    • : (colon)
    • - (dash)
  • optimizeForReporting=true|false, optionally, specifies whether calculations are to be run with or without optimization for reporting. Default is false.

    Set this value to false to save processing time by skipping the aggregation creation step; for example, when running a single rule or a sequential series of POVs. When running multiple concurrent calculation jobs, set optimizeForReporting=true for all jobs, so only the last job to finish performs aggregation, avoiding redundant processing and preventing running jobs from slowing down.

  • captureDebugScripts=true|false, optionally, identifies whether to generate debug scripts in the inbox. Oracle may need these scripts to troubleshoot calculation issues. Default is false.
  • comment="COMMENT", optionally, specifies a comment about the process in double quotation marks.
  • PARAMETER=VALUE, optionally, indicates runtime parameters and their values to run the calculation. Specify as many parameter and value pairings as the process require. Valid parameters and their values:
    • rulesetSeqNumStart the sequence number of the first rule in the ruleset to be run. Valid only if EXECUTION_TYPE=RULESET_SUBSET is used.
    • rulesetSeqNumEnd specifies the sequence number of the last rule in the ruleset to be run. Valid only if EXECUTION_TYPE=RULESET_SUBSET is used.
    • ruleName name of the rule to be run. Enclose the value in double quotation marks if it contains the space character. Valid only if the value of EXECUTION_TYPE is set to SINGLE_RULE, RUN_FROM_RULE, or STOP_AFTER_RULE.
    • clearCalculatedData=true|false specifies whether to clear existing calculations. Default is false.
    • executeCalculations=true|false specifies whether to run calculations. Default is false.


    Parameter values (true and false) must be in all lower case.


  • Run all rules to calculate a single POV:

    epmautomate calculateModel FY22::Jan::Actual::Working "10 Actuals Allocation Process" ALL_RULES clearCalculatedData=true executeCalculations=true optimizeForReporting=true comment="Running all rules to calculate a POV"

  • Run all rules to calculate multiple POVs, also using a custom delimiter:

    epmautomate calculateModel "FY22_Jan_Actual_Working,FY22_Feb_Actual_Working,FY22_Mar_Actual_Working" "10 Actuals Allocation Process" ALL_RULES clearCalculatedData=true executeCalculations=true optimizeForReporting=true captureDebugScripts=true comment="Runing calculation for multiple POVs" povDelimiter="_"

  • Run a range of rule sets to calculate a POV:

    epmautomate calculateModel FY22::Jan::Actual::Working "10 Actuals Allocation Process" RULESET_SUBSET rulesetSeqNumStart=10 rulesetSeqNumEnd=20 clearCalculatedData=true executeCalculations=true comment="Running a subset of rule sets"

  • Run a specific rule to calculate a POV:

    epmautomate calculateModel FY22::Jan::Actual::Working "10 Actuals Allocation Process" SINGLE_RULE ruleName="Rent and Utilities Reassignment" clearCalculatedData=true executeCalculations=true comment="Running a specific rule"