
Copies the ownership data from the last period of a year to the first period of the next year.

Initial default and override ownership settings are automatically carried forward from period to period within the same year but not to the periods in subsequent years. To carry the most current ownership settings from the last period in a year to the first period of the next year, you must copy the ownership settings from the last period of the year in the POV, to the first period of the next year.

Applies to

Financial Consolidation and Close and Tax Reporting.

Required Roles

  • Service Administrator
  • Power User
  • User


epmautomate copyOwnershipDataToNextYear Scenario Year where:

  • Scenario is the name of the scenario from which ownership data is to be copied.

  • Year is the year from which ownership data is to be copied to the first period of next year.


epmautomate copyOwnershipDataToNextYear FCCS_total_Actual FY18