
Copies the model artifacts and Oracle Essbase cube data from a source POV to a destination POV.

Applies to

Profitability and Cost Management.

Required Roles

  • Service Administrator
  • Power User


epmautomate copyPOV APPLICATION_NAME SOURCE_POV_NAME TARGET_POV_NAME PARAMETER=VALUE stringDelimiter="DELIMITER" [isInputData=true|false isAllInputData=true|false] where:

  • APPLICATION_NAME is the name of the Profitability and Cost Management application that contains the source POV.
  • SOURCE_POV_NAME is the name of the source POV in the specified application
  • TARGET_POV_NAME is the name of a valid target POV in Draft status
  • PARAMETER=VALUE indicates runtime parameters and their values to copy the POV. Specify as many parameter and value pairings as the process requires. Valid parameters and their values:
    • isManageRule=true|false specifies whether to copy rules.
    • isInputData=true | isAllData=true | isAllInputData=true optionally specifies how to copy data. For these parameters, default value is false. Specify only one of these as true:
      • specify isInputData=true to copy input data to the destination POV.
      • specify isAllData=true to copy all input and calculated data to the destination POV.
      • AllInputData=true to copy all input data, including driver data, to the destination POV.
    • modelViewName=NAME specifies the name of the data slice that is to be copied from the source POV to the target POV.
    • createDestPOV=true|false specifies whether to create the target POV if it does not exist.
    • nonEmptyTupleEnabled=true|false specifies whether to enable Non-Empty Tuple (NET) so that the command considers only the intersections that have data. Default is true, which, in rare cases, may cause the command to not perform well for copying Essbase data. In those cases, override the default by using nonEmptyTupleEnabled=false to improve performance.


    Parameter values (true or false) must be in all lower case.
  • stringDelimiter="DELIMITER" specifies the delimiter used in POV values. Delimiter must be enclosed in double quotation marks.


  • epmautomate copyPOV BksML12 2012_Jan_Actual 2012_Feb_Actual isManageRule=true isInputData=true modelViewName="Balancing - 5 Customer Costs" createDestPOV=true stringDelimiter="_"
  • epmautomate copyPOV BksML12 2012_Jan_Actual 2012_Feb_Actual isManageRule=true isAllInputData=true createDestPOV=true stringDelimiter="_"
  • epmautomate copyPOV BksML12 2012_Jan_Actual 2012_Feb_Actual isManageRule=true isAllData=true createDestPOV=true stringDelimiter="_"