
Deletes artifacts and Oracle Essbase cube data from a POV in an Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management application.

Applies to

Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management

Required Roles

Service Administrator


epmautomate deletePointOfView POV_NAME [povDelimiter="DELIMITER"] where:
  • POV_NAME identifies the name of the POV to be deleted.
  • povDelimiter is the delimiter used in POV values. Default is :: (double Colon). This value must be enclosed in double quotation marks. Example: povDelimiter="_".

    Other than the default, only these delimiters are supported: _ (under score), # (hash), & (ampersand), ~ (tilde), % (percentage), ; (semicolon), : (colon), - (dash).


  • Deleting a POV that uses a custom POV delimiter

    epmAutomate deletePointOfView FY21_Jan_Actual_Working povDelimiter="_"

  • Deleting a POV that uses the default POV delimiter

    epmAutomate deletePointOfView FY21::Jan::Actual::Working