
Deploys finalized form templates to new data collection periods to create Supplemental Data Forms, ensuring a consistent and repeatable data collection process.

Applies to

Financial Consolidation and Close, Tax Reporting.

Required Roles

Service Administrator, Power User


epmautomate deployFormTemplates COLLECTION_INTERVAL [DIMENSION] [Template] [resetWorkFlows=true|false] where:

  • COLLECTION_INTERVAL is the name of the collection interval to which the template is to be deployed.
  • DIMENSION, optionally, specifies the frequency dimensions of the data collection process in DIMENSION=MEMBER_NAME format. Specify as many dimensions as defined in the collection interval (a maximum of four including Year and Period; for example, "Year=2020" "Period=July" "Product=Oracle EPM" "Consolidation=entity Input". No default value is used if this parameter value is not specified.
  • Template, optionally, identifies unique names for the form templates to deploy in Template=TEMPLATE_NAME format. You can specify any number of unique names (as many as needed) in this format. For example, Template="Loan Details Template" Template="Housing Details Template" Template="Repayment Detals Template".

    If this property value is not specified, the command deploys all the templates for the specified interval.

  • resetWorkFlows, optionally, indicates whether all forms are to be reset to the first stage after redeploying them. Default is false.


epmautomate deployFormTemplates "Journal Collection Interval" "Year=2020" "Period=July" "Product=Oracle EPM" "Consolidation=entity Input" Template="Loan Details Template" Template="Housing Details Template" resetWorkFlows=true