
Deploys finalized Enterprise Journal templates to open periods in Financial Consolidation and Close. Deploying Enterprise Journal templates creates recurring journals associated with the template for the selected period. It also allows you to create ad hoc journals using the deployed template(s).

This command is an alternative to using Financial Consolidation and Close screens to deploy new Enterprise Journal templates at the beginning of the month.

Applies to

Financial Consolidation and Close

Required Roles

  • Service Administrator
  • Power User


epmautomate deployEJTemplates YEAR PERIOD [Template=TEPMPLATE_NAME] [ResetJournals=true|false] where:
  • Year is the journal year.
  • Period is the journal period. This value can be specified only if the year is specified.
  • Template=TEMPLATE_NAME identifies the names of the journals to be deployed. To deploy more than one journal, provide each unique template name in Template=TEMPLATE_NAME format, for example, Template="Loan Details" Template="Housing Details" Template="Repayment Details".

    If this parameter value is not specified, the command deploys all the templates for the specified year and period combination.

  • ResetJournals optionally indicates whether all journals must be reset to the first stage after redeploying the templates. Default is false.

    Financial Consolidation and Close validates this value internally based on changes to templates, and may override the value you specify, if required.


epmautomate deployEJTemplates 2021 May Template="Loan Details" Template="Housing Details" ResetJournals=true