
Generates a Role Assignment Report (.CSV file) and stores it in the default download location.

The report lists the predefined roles (for example, Service-name Power User) and application roles (for example, Mass Allocation, which is a Planning application role) assigned to users. Use the downloadFile command to download the report.

Two versions of the report can be generated: simplified or classic. The simplified report, which is identical to the Role Assignment Report that is available from the Access Control screen, does not list the application roles that are subsumed into predefined roles or the component roles of application roles assigned to the user. The classic version of the report lists the component roles that are subsumed into the predefined roles to which users are assigned. It also lists the application roles assigned to the user (directly or through groups).

Generating this report refreshes the user and role information available in Access Control.

For OCI (Gen 2) only:Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud considers deactivated users as being identical to users not assigned to any predefined roles even though such users may have had predefined roles when they were deactivated. Information on deactivated users is not included in this report.


This command will be deprecated in an upcoming release. Instead of this command, use the roleAssignmentReport command, which produces an equivalent report.

Applies to

Planning, Planning Modules, FreeForm, Financial Consolidation and Close, Tax Reporting, Account Reconciliation, Profitability and Cost Management, Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management,Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud, Narrative Reporting, Sales Planning, and Strategic Workforce Planning.

Required Roles

  • Service Administrator
  • Any predefined role and the Access Control - Manage application role
  • Any predefined role and the Access Control - View application role


epmautomate provisionReport REPORT_NAME [format=classic|simplified] [userType=serviceUsers|IDAdmins] where:
  • REPORT_NAME is a name for the report.

  • format, optionally, identifies how the report is to be formatted. Acceptable values:

    • simplified, the default option, creates a report that is identical to the Role Assignment Report generated from the Access Control screen.

    • classic creates a report that lists the component roles that are subsumed into the predefined roles to which users are assigned. It also lists the application roles assigned to the user (directly or through groups)

  • userType, optionally, identifies the users to be included in the report. If you do not specify a value for this parameter, the default value serviceUsers is used. Acceptable values:

    • serviceUsers creates a report that contains information on all functional users (does not include Identity Domain Administrators if they are not assigned to a predefined role that grants access to the application)

    • IDAdmins creates a report that lists only the users assigned to the Identity Domain Administrator role. The report is identical in classic and in simplified format


  • Create a classic report: epmautomate provisionReport myProvReport.CSV format=classic

  • Create a simplified report:

    • epmautomate provisionReport myProvReport.CSV format=simplified

    • epmautomate provisionReport myProvReport.CSV userType=serviceUsers

  • Create a report listing only Identity Domain Administrators:

    • epmautomate provisionReport myProvReport.CSV userType=IDAdmins

    • epmautomate provisionReport myProvReport.CSV userType=IDAdmins format=classic