
Generates an Intercompany Matching report that helps you correctly match the transactions between related entities and partners as a part of the consolidation process and for analysis and auditing purposes.

Applies to

Financial Consolidation and Close

Required Roles

Service Administrator, Power User, User

Users with Power User or User must be granted additional security through ACL


epmautomate runIntercompanyMatchingReport JOB_NAME FILE_NAME [scenario=scenario] [years=years] [period=period_name] [ReportFormat=HTML] where:
  • JOB_NAME is the name of an Intercompany report job definition existing in the application. See Managing Intercompany Matching Reports in Working with Financial Consolidation and Close for more information. This command generates the Intercompany Matching report using the settings available in the job. Be sure to select Outbox as the location for the generated report.


    You can override the scenario, years, period, and report format settings specified in the job by entering these optional values while running this command.
  • FILE_NAME is the name of the report file. This report is generated in the outbox. Use the downloadFile command to download it to a local computer or the sendMail command to email it.
  • SCENARIO, optionally, is a name of a scenario, defined in the application, for which the report is to be generated.
  • YEARS, optionally, is the year for which the report is to be generated.
  • PERIOD, optionally, is the period for which the report is to be generated.
  • ReportFormat, optionally, is the format for the report. Acceptable values are HTML, PDF, and XLSX.


  • You can generate this report for a combination of one scenario, year, and period. Do not specify multiple scenarios, years, or periods.
  • If you do not specify values for scenario, years, period, and report format, the corresponding values specified in the report job definition (identified by JOB_NAME) are used. If specified, these optional values will override the values set in the report job definition.


  • Creating the report by overriding the values set in the job definition:

    epmautomate runIntercompanyMatchingReport IC_Job_01 SampleICReport.html scenario=Actual years=FY22 period=Jan reportFormat=HTML

  • Creating the report using the values set in the job definition:

    epmautomate runIntercompanyMatchingReport IC_Job_01 SampleICReport