
Compares two snapshots and creates the Snapshot Compare Report identifying the differences in calculation rules and rulesets, and data forms included in the snapshots. You can use this report for troubleshooting issues, such as:

  • Recent performance deterioration in an environment. You can compare the previous snapshot with the current snapshot to check on the differences that may have caused the performance deterioration.
  • You see difference in behavior or performance between two environments that you expect to have identical functional behavior or performance. In this case, you can compare the snapshots of the two environments to understand the differences between them.
  • You suspect that some rules, or forms have disappeared from an environment. Use this report to compare the artifacts that used to exist and the current artifacts.

Applies to

Planning, Planning Modules, FreeForm, Financial Consolidation and Close, Tax Reporting, Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management, Strategic Workforce Planning, and Sales Planning.

Required Roles

Service Administrator


epmAutomate snapshotCompareReport SOURCE_SNAPSHOT TARGET_SNAPSHOT [reportName=REPORT_NAME.html] where:

  • SOURCE_SNAPSHOT is the name of the snapshot to which the comparison is to be made. The report contains data on the differences in the rules, forms, dimensions, and dimension members in this snapshot.
  • TARGET_SNAPSHOT is the name of the snapshot you want to compare.


  • REPORT_NAME, optionally, is the name of the report file. Default report name is SnapshotCompare.html.

    Use the downloadFile command to download the report.


  • epmAutomate snapshotCompareReport "Artifact Snapshot" reportName=Snapshot_Diffs.html
  • epmAutomate snapshotCompareReport reportName=Sep_22_snapshot_compare_report.html