Exit Codes

EPM Automate returns an exit code and message to indicate the status of the operation. Exit codes are grouped under five code numbers; each code may indicate many error conditions. Review the accompanying message to identify the specific condition that caused the error.

Additionally, EPM Automate creates a log file (COMMANDNAME_TIMESTAMP.log, for example, uploadfile_16_11_2016_11_27_10.log) for each failed command execution. Log files are created on the computer from which you run EPM Automate.

Exit Code 1 Errors

Command failed to execute EPM Automate uses this exit code to display messages related to HTTP status code 200 and 400. These codes are returned by the REST APIs that EPM Automate uses.

Insufficient privileges to perform the operation This error is displayed if the user whose credentials are used to sign into the service does not have sufficient privileges to perform the operation you attempted.

Sign in with an account that has sufficient privileges to perform the operation. Generally, only Service Administrators are allowed to perform operations in the service.

Resource does not exist This error is displayed if the file or snapshot that you want to delete or download does not exist in the service.

Use the listfiles command to verify the file name and its location.

Invalid snapshot SNAPSHOT This error is displayed when the service is unable to validate the snapshot that you specified for the export or import operation.

Verify that you are using a valid snapshot.

Internal server error. Unable to delete file: FILE_NAME Please issue "Provide Feedback" with details This error is displayed if the file or snapshot could not be deleted from the service due to a server error.

Report this issue to Oracle using the Feedback command or the Provide Feedback feature.

Invalid file: FILE_NAME This error is displayed if the file or snapshot that you want to delete or download does not exist in the service or if the file name is not in the required format.

Use the listfiles command to verify the file name and its location.

Recreate is running for a long time. Please contact support This error is displayed if the re-create operation that you initiated is not completed within one hour.

Report this issue to Oracle using the feedback command or the Provide Feedback feature.

Reset service is running for a long time. Please contact support This error is displayed if the reset service operation that you initiated is not completed within one hour.

Report this issue to Oracle using the feedback command or the Provide Feedback feature.

Cannot perform operation. Another instance is in progress. Please try after some time This error is displayed if you try to execute the copysnapshotfrominstance command when another instance of the command is active.

Wait for the copysnapshotfrominstance command to finish before attempting to run the command again.

Cannot perform operation. Another maintenance script is in progress. Please try after some time This error is displayed if you attempt to execute the copysnapshotfrominstance, recreate or resetservice command when daily maintenance or service reset process is running.

Rerun the operation after the maintenance or reset process finishes.

Login to source instance failed: SOURCE_URL This error is displayed if EPM Automate is unable to sign in to the source environment to initiate the copysnapshotfrominstance command

Verify that the credentials, identity domain and URL that is used to access the source environment are valid.

Internal server error. Copy snapshot from source instance failed. Please issue "Provide Feedback" with details This error is displayed when EPM Automate encounters an unexpected problem while running the copysnapshotfrominstance command.

Report this issue to Oracle using the feedback command or the Provide Feedback feature.

Internal server error. Please issue "Provide Feedback" with details This error is displayed to indicate many internal server conditions that require corrective actions by Oracle.

Report this issue to Oracle using the feedback command or the Provide Feedback feature.

Snapshot SNAPSHOT_NAME already exists. Please delete the snapshot and rerun the command This error is displayed when you download or upload a snapshot into a location where another snapshot with identical name is present.

Delete or remove the existing snapshot and then retry the command.

Error in extracting the snapshot. Please retry with a proper snapshot This error is displayed if EPM Automate is unable to extract snapshot contents when running the importsnapshot command.

Verify that the snapshot is valid.

Internal server error. Unable to open file for write. Please issue "Provide Feedback" with details This error is displayed if errors cause the creating or updating of CSV files, for example while generating the Audit Report.

Report this issue to Oracle using the feedback command or the Provide Feedback feature.

No matching records found, please select a different date range This error is displayed if you run the userauditreport command to generate the Audit Report for a date range for which audit data is not available.

Specify a valid date range and then rerun the userauditreport command. Note that the service maintains audit history for the last 365 days only.

File with same name exists: FILE_NAME, please choose a different filename This error is displayed if a report with the Audit Report name you specified exists in the service.

Delete the existing file from the service or specify a different file name and then rerun the userauditreport command.

Operation failed with status $1. Please issue "Provide Feedback" This message indicates an internal server error that cause the reset service or re-create service process to fail.

Report this issue to Oracle using the feedback command or the Provide Feedback feature.

EPMCSS-20643: Failed to add users. File FILE_NAME.csv is not found. Please provide a valid file name This error is displayed if the specified CSV file containing information on users to add is not available in the Inbox.

Use the listfiles command to verify the file name and its location. If the file is not in the inbox, use the uploadFile command to upload the file.

EPMCSS-20644: Failed to remove users. File FILE_NAME.csv is not found. Please provide a valid file name This error is displayed if the specified CSV file containing information on users to delete is not available in the Inbox.

Use the listfiles command to verify the file name and its location. If the file is not in the Inbox, use the uploadFile command to upload the file.

20645: Failed to assign role for users. Invalid role name role. Please provide a valid role name This error is displayed if the role specified in the CSV file is not supported.

Verify that the role name specified in the file is Service Administrator, Power User, User, or Viewer.

Use the listfiles command to verify the file name and its location. If the file is not in the Inbox, use the uploadFile command to upload the file.

Exit Code 6 Errors

Service Unavailable Service is not available because of HTTP Error 404.

Verify service availability by accessing the service from a browser on the computer from which you are running EPM Automate. If the service is down for any reason, wait a while and try again or contact Oracle support.

Read/Write timeout This error is displayed if the client socket times out (socket time out is 15 minutes) during any read/write operation due to slow network or firewall issues.

Rerun the failed command when network through put is high. If the failure is due to firewall settings, contact your Network Administrator.

Exit Code 7 Errors

EPM Automate displays this error if it is unable to execute a command. The error message; for example, Invalid command, specifies why the error occurred.

Unable to open password file FILE_NAME Invalid encrypted password file, for example, PASSWORD_FILE.EPW. EPM Automate did not find the file in the location that you specified or the file is not in the required format.

Verify the file name and path. If the file cannot be parsed because of invalid format, use the encryptcommand to re-create the file.

Unable to parse password file FILE_NAME EPM Automate was unable to parse the encrypted password file because of invalid format or because it has been corrupted.

Use the encrypt command to re-create the file.

Unable to connect to URL. Root cause MESSAGE This error is displayed if a connection cannot be established because of a bad URL. The message that is displayed as the root cause details the underlying failure resulting from using an incorrect URL.

  • Verify that you are using a valid URL

  • If your proxy setting requires you to authentication with the proxy server to connect to the internet, specify a proxy server user name, domain, and password (or use an encrypted password file containing the proxy server password) to sign in. Contact your Network Administrator if you need assistance.

Unable to connect to URL Unsupported Protocol The login command failed because the URL specified uses an unsupported protocol. Accompanying error message identifies the unsupported protocol.

Ensure that the URL that you are using with the login command uses the secure protocol (HTTPS).

Session is not authenticated. Please execute the "login" command before executing any other command You attempted to run a command before establishing a session using the login command.

Run the login command to establish a secure connection to the environment before attempting to execute other commands.

Invalid parameter This message indicates a usage error in a command caused by Incorrect sequence of command parameters or the absence of some required command parameter values.

Review and correct command parameters and the sequence in which they are specified.

COMMAND_NAME command is not supported by SERVICE_TYPE EPM Automate was not able to run the command against the environment to which you are connected because the business process does not support the command.

See Command Reference for lists of commands that are supported by each business process.

File does not exist in location: PATH EPM Automate was unable to find the file that you want to process, for example, using the upload or replay command.

Ensure that the file name and path are accurate.

Unable to open file for read: PATH EPM Automate was unable to read from the specified file.

Ensure that the file is in the required format. Verify that the user running EPM Automate has read access to the file.

Unable to open file for write: PATH EPM Automate was unable to write to the specified file.

Ensure that the file is not locked by another process. Verify that the user running EPM Automate has write access to the file.

Invalid command EPM Automate encountered an unsupported command.

Verify that EPM Automate supports the command; also ensure that the command name is spelled correctly.

Invalid date format The tool encountered an invalid date format.

Specify the report generation dates in a supported date format.

FROMDATE DATE cannot be greater than TODATE DATE EPM Automate encountered a to date that is earlier than the from date.

Ensure that the to date in a specified date range is a later date than the from date.

Exceeded maximum number of feedbacks (6) for a day This error is displayed when you exceed the number of feedback that you can submit using the feedback command.

File with the same name already exists in the download path PATH. Please delete the file and rerun the command This error is displayed when you attempt to download a file into a location that already has a file that matches the name of the file being downloaded.

Delete, rename or move the existing file and then rerun the command.

File is empty: PATH This error is displayed if the replay file does not have any content.

Make sure that the replay file (CSV file) lists the credentials (user name and password) and the name of the HAR files that are to be used to run the replay command.

Unable to encrypt the password as localhost cannot be resolved. Ensure that hostnames are mapped properly to IP addresses This error is displayed if EPM Automate is unable to resolve the localhost definition to a MAC address because the hosts file on your computer contains a server name instead of localhost for the address

Ensure that the hosts file specify localhost as the server name for

Snapshot Name is invalid This error is displayed if you do not specify the name of the snapshot to be renamed.

Specify the name of a snapshot available in the environment.

New Snapshot Name is invalid This error is displayed if you do not specify a new name for the snapshot.

specify the new name for the snapshot.

Invalid snapshot name: {0}. Characters \\/*?"<>| are not allowed This error is displayed if the snapshot name contains special characters such as space, \ (backslash), / (slash), * (asterisk), ? (question mark), " (quotation mark), < (less than), and > (greater than).

Specify a new snapshot name that does not contain these special characters.

Unable to rename snapshot : {0}. There could be another process accessing it. Please try after sometime This error is displayed if EPM Automate cannot get an exclusive lock on the snapshot because it is in use by another process.

Wait until the current operation that is using the snapshot finishes, and then retry.

Snapshot {0} already exist. Please delete the snapshot and re-run the command This error is displayed if the new snapshot name is identical to that of an existing snapshot in the environment.

Use a different snapshot name or delete the existing snapshot using the deletefile command.

Exit Code 9 Errors

Invalid credentials This error is displayed when the user name or password used with the login command is incorrect.

Specify valid credentials for the environment to which you are attempting to connect.

Authentication failed while executing command. Please retry This error is displayed when basic authentication fails during execution of a command other than login. This error may also occur for HTTP calls when a command execution is retried (up to three times).

Exit Code 11 Errors

Internal server error. Due to manual reset service, your Oracle EPM Cloud Service environment is currently unavailable. This error is displayed if EPM Automate commands are run when a reset of the environment is in progress.

Internal server error MESSAGE This error is displayed if EPM Automate encounters unknown exceptions that are not related to HTTP connections. Includes server errors 503 and 500.

Unable to connect to URL: MESSAGE This error is displayed when the server is unavailable. Error message indicates the exception that caused the command to fail.

If the server is unavailable, contact Oracle Support. If the message indicates issues with the URL, verify that the URL that you are using is valid.