Automate the Archiving of Application Audit Records

Use the Windows and Linux scripts in this section to automate the process of exporting and archiving application audit data to a local computer.

Application audit data is retained for 365 days only. Customize these scripts and execute them once every 180 days, or as required by your data retention policies, to prevent the loss of historical audit data older than 365 days.


These scripts are tailored to archive data in local storage. You can modify them to archive the exported audit data files on network storage or in storage cloud (for example, Oracle Object Storage).

Table 3-21 Parameters and Their Values

Parameter Value
url The URL of the environment.


  • Windows: set url=
  • Linux: url=
user The user name of a Service Administrator to sign into the environment to download audit data.


  • Windows: set user=ExampleAdmin
  • Linux: user=ExampleAdmin
password Password of the Service Administrator (not recommended) or the name and location of the encrypted password file. See the encrypt command for information on creating an encrypted password file.


  • Windows: set password="C:\mySecuredir\password.epw"
  • Linux: password="/home/user1/mySecuredir/password.epw"
AuditFileName Name of the audit data file. To make this file unique, the script appends the audit data export timestamp to this file name.


  • Windows: set AuditFileName=AuditData
  • Linux: AuditFileName=AuditData
NumberOfBackups Number of backup files to be retained in the storage. Default is 10, after which the oldest backup is replaced as needed.


  • Windows: set NumberOfBackups=20
  • Linux: NumberOfBackups=20
For Linux script only
epmautomatescript The location where EPM Automate is installed.

Example: /home/user1/epmautomate/bin/

javahome The JAVA_HOME location.

Example: /home/user1/jdk1.8.0_191/