Inform Users of Daily Maintenance Completion

The daily maintenance of Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud environments usually takes a much shorter time than the one hour earmarked for it.

The actual daily maintenance duration of the environment is recorded as the value of the "Daily Maintenance Duration in Minutes" metric in the "Operations Metrics" section of the Activity Report. If you do not want to wait for the whole hour before using the environment, use a custom version of this script to inform users that the daily maintenance is complete so that they can resume activities.

Windows Script

Create daily_maintenance_completed.ps1 by copying the following PowerShell script. See Running the Script for information on updating the script for your use.
# Daily Maintenance Completed Notification script
# Update the following parameters
# -------------------------------
# -------------------------------


if ($($args.count) -ne 3) {
    echo "Usage: ./daily_maintenance_completed.ps1 <USERNAME> <PASSWORD> <URL>"
    exit 1


function getDailyMaintenanceStartTime {
    $amwstring=$(epmautomate.bat getDailyMaintenanceStartTime)
    $elements=$amwstring.split(' ')
    return $amwtime

function goToSleep ($amw_time){
    $current_mdy=Get-Date -AsUTC -UFormat "%m/%d/%Y"
    $current_date_time=Get-Date -AsUTC -UFormat "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S"
    $current_epoch=Get-Date -Date $current_date_time -UFormat "%s"
    $target_date_time=[DateTime]"${current_mdy} ${amw_time}"
    $target_epoch=Get-Date -Date $target_date_time -UFormat "%s"
    $sleep_seconds=$target_epoch - $current_epoch

    # Today's AMW start time has already passed, so add 24 hours to sleep_seconds
    if ($sleep_seconds -lt 0) {
        $sleep_seconds=$sleep_seconds + 86400

    $sleep_ts=New-TimeSpan -Seconds ${sleep_seconds}
    $sleep_hms="${sleep_ts}" -replace '^\d+?\.'

    echo "Current time is ${current_date_time}. Sleeping for ${sleep_hms}, until daily maintenance start time of ${amw_time}."
    Start-Sleep -Seconds $sleep_seconds

function attemptLogin {
    while ($true) {
        epmautomate.bat login ${username} ${password} ${url}
        if ($?) { # login succeeded
	    if ($serverdown) { # server has been brought down
                echo "Daily maintenance processing has completed ..."
	    } else { # server has not yet been brought down
                echo "Daily maintenance processing has not yet started. Sleeping for 2 minutes before the next check ..."
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 120
	} else { # login failed
	    if ($serverdown) { # server has been brought down
                echo "Waiting for daily maintenance processing to complete. Sleeping for 2 minutes before the next check ..."
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 120
	    } else { # server has not yet been brought down
                echo "Daily maintenance processing is now beginning. Sleeping for 2 minutes before the next check ..."
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 120

function sendNotification {
    $subject="Daily maintenance processing has completed"
    $formattedmessage="Daily maintenance processing has completed for server ${servername}"

    echo "Mailing report"
    epmautomate.bat sendmail "${emailaddresses}" "${subject}" Body="${formattedmessage}"

echo "Beginning daily maintenance completion notification script."
echo "Logging into server ..."
epmautomate.bat login ${username} ${password} ${url}
goToSleep ($amwtime)
echo "Logging out of server ..."
epmautomate.bat logout
echo "Script processing has completed."

Linux/UNIX Script

Create by copying the following script. See Running the Script for information on updating the script for your use.
# Update the following parameters
# -------------------------------
# -------------------------------


export JAVA_HOME=${javahome}

if [ "$#" -ne 3 ]; then
    echo "Usage: ./ <USERNAME> <PASSWORD> <URL>"
    exit 1


getDailyMaintenanceStartTime() {
    amw_time=$(${epmautomatescript} getDailyMaintenanceStartTime | cut -d' ' -f1)

goToSleep() {
    current_mdy=$(date -u +%m/%d/%Y)
    current_date_time=$(date -u)
    current_epoch=$(date +%s)
    target_epoch=$(date -d "${current_mdy} ${amw_time}" +%s)
    sleep_seconds=$(($target_epoch - $current_epoch))

    # Today's AMW start time has already passed, so add 24 hours to sleep_seconds
    if [[ ${sleep_seconds} -lt 0 ]]
        sleep_seconds=$((sleep_seconds + 86400))

    sleep_hms=$(date -d@${sleep_seconds} -u +%H:%M:%S)

    echo "Current time is ${current_date_time}. Sleeping for ${sleep_hms}, until daily maintenance start time of ${amw_time}."
    sleep $sleep_seconds

attemptLogin() {
    local serverdown=1
    while true
        ${epmautomatescript} login ${username} ${password} ${url}
        if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] # login succeeded
            if [[ ${serverdown} -eq 0 ]] # server has been brought down
                echo "Daily maintenance processing has completed"
            else # server has not yet been brought down
                echo "Daily maintenance processing has not yet started. Sleeping for 2 minutes before the next check ..."
                sleep 120
        else # login failed
            if [[ ${serverdown} -eq 0 ]] # server has been brought down
                echo "Waiting for daily maintenance processing to complete. Sleeping for 2 minutes before the next check ..."
                sleep 120
            else # server has not yet been brought down
                echo "Daily maintenance processing is now beginning. Sleeping for 2 minutes before the next check ..."
                sleep 120

    local servername=$(echo "${url}" | cut -d '/' -f3- | rev | cut -d':' -f2- | rev)
    local subject="Daily maintenance processing has completed"
    local formattedmessage="Daily maintenance processing has completed for server ${servername}"
    local emailaddresses=$(echo ${emailaddresses} | sed "s/,/;/g")

    echo "Mailing report"
    ${epmautomatescript} sendmail "${emailaddresses}" "${subject}" Body="${formattedmessage}"

echo "Beginning daily maintenance completion notification script."
echo "Logging into server ..."
${epmautomatescript} login ${username} ${password} ${url}
echo "Logging out of server ..."
${epmautomatescript} logout
echo "Script processing has completed."

Server-Side Groovy Script

Create daily_maintenance_completed Groovy script by copying the following code. See Running the Script for information on updating the script for your use.

// Daily Maintenance Completed Notification script

// Update the following parameters
// -------------------------------
String username="USERNAME"
String password="PASSWORD"
// -------------------------------

def LogMessage(String message) {
    def date = new Date()
    def sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss")
    println('[' + sdf.format(date) + '] ' + message);

def LogOperationStatus(EpmAutomateStatus opstatus) {
    def returncode = opstatus.getStatus()
    if (returncode != 0){
    LogMessage('return code: ' + returncode)

def getDailyMaintenanceStartTime(EpmAutomate automate) {
    LogMessage("Operation: getDailyMaintenanceStartTime")
    EpmAutomateStatus amwtimestatus = automate.execute('getDailyMaintenanceStartTime')
    def amwstring=(amwtimestatus.getOutput())
    def elements=amwstring.split(' ')
    def amwtime=elements[0]
    return amwtime

def goToSleep(String amw_time){
    def date = new Date()
    def current_mdy = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy")
    def current_date_time = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss")
    float current_epoch = date.getTime() / 1000
    def pattern = "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss"
    def input = current_mdy.format(date) + " " + amw_time + ":00"
    def target_date_time = Date.parse(pattern, input)
    float target_epoch = target_date_time.getTime() / 1000
    int sleep_seconds = Math.round(target_epoch - current_epoch)

    //Today's AMW start time has already passed, so add 24 hours to sleep_seconds
    if (sleep_seconds < 0) {
        sleep_seconds = sleep_seconds + 86400
    def sleep_milliseconds = sleep_seconds * 1000
    LogMessage("Current time is " + current_date_time.format(date) + ". Sleeping until daily maintenance start time of " + amw_time + ":00.")

def attemptLogin(EpmAutomate automate, String username, String password, String url) {
    def serverdown=1
    while (true) {
        LogMessage("Operation: login " + username + " " + password + " " + url)
        EpmAutomateStatus status = automate.execute('login',username,password,url)
        def returncode = status.getStatus()
        if (returncode == 0) { 
            if (serverdown == 0){
                LogMessage("Daily maintenance processing has completed ...")
            } else {
                LogMessage("Daily maintenance processing has not yet started. Sleeping for 2 minutes before the next check ...")
        } else {
            if (serverdown == 0){
                LogMessage("Waiting for daily maintenance processing to complete. Sleeping for 2 minutes before the next check ...")
            } else {
                LogMessage("Daily maintenance processing is now beginning. Sleeping for 2 minutes before the next check ...")

def sendNotification(EpmAutomate automate, String url, String emailaddresses) {
    def servername=url.tokenize("/")[-1];
    def subject="Daily maintenance processing has completed"
    def formattedmessage="Daily maintenance processing has completed for server " + servername
    def emailaddressesformatted = emailaddresses.replaceAll(',',';')

    LogMessage("Operation: sendmail " + emailaddressesformatted + " " + subject + " Body=" + formattedmessage)
    EpmAutomateStatus status = automate.execute('sendmail',emailaddressesformatted,subject,'Body=' + formattedmessage)

LogMessage("Beginning daily maintenance completion notification script.")

EpmAutomate automate = getEpmAutomate()

LogMessage("Operation: login " + username + " " + password + " " + url)
EpmAutomateStatus status = automate.execute('login',username,password,url)

String amwtime = getDailyMaintenanceStartTime(automate)
goToSleep (amwtime)

LogMessage("Operation: logout ")
status = automate.execute('logout')

LogMessage ("Script processing has completed.")

Running the Script

Windows and Linux/UNIX
  1. Create daily_maintenance_completed.ps1 or by copying the script from a preceding section.
  2. Update script:
    • Windows: Update the value of emailaddresses with a comma separated list of email addresses that should be notified when the daily maintenance is complete.
    • Linux/UNIX: Update these variables:
      • epmautomatescript with the location of the EPM Automate executable. Example: epmautomatescript="/home/utils/EPMAutomate/bin/"
      • javahome with the directory where the JDK used by EPM Automate is installed. For example: "/home/user1/jdk1.8.0_191"
      • emailaddresses with a comma separated list of email addresses that should be notified when the daily maintenance is complete. For example:,
  3. In a Command Window or Console, navigate to the folder where the daily_maintenance_completed script is stored.
  4. Run this command:
    • Windows: ./daily_maintenance_completed.ps1 USERNAME PASSWORD URL
    • Linux/UNIX: ./ USERNAME PASSWORD URL, where:
      • USERNAME is the user name of a Service Administrator
      • PASSWORD is the password of the Service Administrator
      • URL is the URL of the EPM Cloud environment
Server-Side Groovy:
  1. Create daily_maintenance_completed.groovy Groovy script by copying it from a preceding section.
  2. Update these values.
    • username with the username of a Service Administrator.
    • password with the password of the Service Administrator
    • url with the URL of the EPM Cloud environment for which the daily maintenance completion notification needs to be made. For example: . Example:
    • emailaddresses with a comma separated list of email addresses that should be notified when the daily maintenance is complete.
  3. Use the Groovy screen in an EPM Cloud business process or automate the script execution using runBusinessRule. For more information see these information sources: