Importing Users into the Target Identity Domain and Assigning Roles


Complete this step only for Narrative Reporting. Other services do not require this step.

After the daily maintenance process is complete, an Identity Domain Administrator imports users from the user export file into the target identity domain.

Users that exist in the target identity domain are not re-created during the user import process. Such users need only be provisioned with their original roles. New users that were added to the target identity domain must also be provisioned.

Additional information is available in Getting Started with Oracle Cloud:

To import users in to the target identity domain and assign roles:

  1. Sign in to My Services (Classic) as an Identity Domain Administrator. See Accessing My Services for instructions. Be sure to sign into the target identity domain.
  2. Click Users.
  3. Click Import.
  4. In Import Users, click Browse and select the users export file (users.CSV) that you saved to a local folder.
  5. Click Import.
    The user import process is not instantaneous.
  6. After the user accounts are available in the Identity Domain Administrator, provision the users with roles belonging to the relocated environment.

    To grant predefined service roles to many users at once, you import role upload files, one for each predefined role. See "Assigning One Role to Many Users" in Getting Started with Oracle Cloud.