FreeForm and Planning

Planning roles apply to all Planning application types including Custom, FreeForm , Planning Modules, Predictive Cash Forecasting, Strategic Workforce Planning, and Sales Planning.

Service Administrator

Performs all Planning functional activities, including granting roles to users. This role should be granted to functional experts who need to create and administer Planning service components.

Power User

Views and interacts with data. This role grants high-level access to several functional areas within an environment and should be granted to department heads and business unit managers, and business users in charge of a region who need to control the approval process.

A Power User can perform these activities:

  • Creates and maintains forms, Oracle Smart View for Office worksheets, Reports, and Financial Reporting reports
  • Creates and manages user variables for the application, but cannot delete them.
  • Views substitution variables
  • Controls the approvals process, performs actions on approval units to which they have write access, and assigns owners and reviewers for the organization under her charge
  • Creates Reports using Financial Reporting, accesses the repository to create folders and save artifacts
  • Loads data using forms and Data Management


The Planner legacy role is assigned to User in OCI Gen 2 environments.


The User role was created by renaming the Planner role. If your service was provisioned after May, 2016, you will see the User role and not the Planner role.
A User does the following:
  • Enters data into forms and submits them for approval, analyzes forms using ad hoc features, controls the ability to drill through to the source system
  • Accesses and modifies (rename, delete) the Financial Reporting content stored in the Repository for which the user has View, Modify, or Full Control permissions.
  • Previews Reports and Books


Views and analyzes data through forms and data access tools. Typically, this role should be assigned to executives who need to view business plans during the budgeting process.