Backing up the Maintenance Snapshot

Automating the Download of the Maintenance Snapshot

To automate the downloading of the snapshot, you create a script file containing the required EPM Automate commands, and schedule it (for example, using Windows Scheduler or Linux cron job) to run after the daily maintenance of the environment is complete. See "Scenario 8: Backing up Application Snapshot to a Computer" in Working with EPM Automate for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud for a sample Windows script that you can repurpose to download the artifact snapshot.

Copying a Snapshot to Oracle Object Storage

You can use the copyToObjectStorage EPM Automate command to copy a snapshot from an Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud environment to an Oracle Object Storage Cloud bucket.

See these information sources in Working with EPM Automate for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud:

Manually Downloading the Maintenance Snapshot

To manually download the artifact snapshot:

  1. Access the environment as a Service Administrator. See Accessing EPM Cloud.
  2. Complete a step:
    • Click Tools and then Migration.
    • Profitability and Cost Management only: Click Application and then Migration(Migration).
  3. Click Snapshots.
  4. Click Actions (Actions) next to Artifact Snapshot, and then select Download.
  5. Save the artifact snapshot (Artifact to the local computer.