For Narrative Reporting Only

Narrative Reporting uses the uploadFile and downloadFile EPM Automate commands to perform backup and restore activities.

Downloading a Snapshot

Use the following EPM Automate command to download the database snapshot to a local computer:

EPMAutomate downloadFile EPRCS_Backup.tar.gz

For detailed information on this command, see downloadFile in Working with EPM Automate for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud.

Uploading a Backup Snapshot to the Environment

Use the following command to upload a backup database snapshot from a local computer to a Narrative Reporting environment:

EPMAutomate uploadFile EPRCS_Backup.tar.gz [to_be_imported], where [to_be_imported], optionally, is a location in the Narrative Reporting environment. If it is not specified, the uploaded snapshot replaces the current daily maintenance snapshot. If this location is specified, EPRCS_Backup.tar.gz will be imported during the next maintenance of the environment.

For detailed information on this command, see uploadFile in Working with EPM Automate for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud.


Make sure that the destination environment is of the same release or newer. You cannot restore a backup snapshot into a service that has an older release. You can confirm the current version of the environment from the Settings and Action menu in the Home page.

Restoring an Environment from a Backup Snapshot

When you restore a backup snapshot, your environment returns to the state at which the snapshot was taken. Changes that occurred after the backup are not reflected in the restored environment.

Service Administrators can restore an environment from the current maintenance snapshot screen or from a backup uploaded from a local computer if the backup snapshot is of the same release as the environment or newer.

A backup snapshot that a Service Administrator uploads to the to_be_imported location in the Narrative Reporting environment is automatically restored during the next daily maintenance. You may schedule the next maintenance so that it starts soon after you upload the backup snapshot to to_be_imported. If daily maintenance includes restoring an application from a backup, the maintenance process may take more than one hour. The additional time requirement varies with the size of the snapshot being restored. See Setting the Maintenance Start Time for an Environment.

From the Daily Maintenance screen, a Service Administrator can restore an environment using the current maintenance snapshot.

To restore an environment from the current maintenance snapshot:

  1. Sign into the environment.
  2. On the Home page, click Tools and then Daily Maintenance.
  3. Under Restore Backup Snapshot, select Using the most recent daily backup.
  4. Click Schedule Restore.
  5. Click Yes to restore the environment from the maintenance snapshot during the next daily maintenance.