Account Reconciliation Execution Statistics

This section includes:

Top 10 Reports by Execution

This table lists 10 most frequently generated Account Reconciliation reports, how many times in the last 24 hours they were generated and by how many unique users, and the average time taken to generate each of them.
Table that Lists Top 10 Most Frequently Generated Account Reconciliation Reports

Top 10 Reports by Duration over 30 Seconds

This table lists top 10 Account Reconciliation reports that took more than 30 seconds to be generated. This table identifies the time taken to generate the report, the user who initiated the report generation, start and end times, name of the report, and the report context including format, parameters, size of the generated report, number of rows and columns and the SQL query that was used to gather the data for the report.
Table that Lists Top 10 Most Frequently Generated Account Reconciliation Reports

Top 10 Data Load Jobs by Duration over 30 Seconds

This table lists the top 10 data load jobs that took more than 30 seconds to complete. This table identifies the time taken to complete the job, the user who initiated it, job start and end times, job name, and job context including Period for which the data load was performed, status of the job, and the number of errors and warning reported for the job.
Table that Lists Top 10 Data Load Jobs that Lasted More Than 30 Seconds

Top 10 Other Jobs by Duration over 30 Seconds

This table lists the top 10 jobs other than data load jobs that took more than 30 seconds to complete. This table identifies the time taken to complete the job, the user who initiated it, job start and end times, job name, and job context, if any. User name is not displayed for maintenance jobs that Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud runs.
Table that Lists Top 10 Jobs Other Than Data Load Jobs that Lasted More Than 30 Seconds

Top 10 Job Types by Execution

This table lists the top 10 jobs by job types. For every job type, it shows the number of times the job was run and the average duration of each run.
Table that lists tiop 10 job types