Task Manager Design and Runtime Metrics

This section gives a list of Task Manager design and runtime metrics labels with their descriptions.

Table 12-6 Task Manager Design Metrics

Metrics Label Description
Task Manager Org Units Total number of organizational units
Task Manager Custom Attributes Total number of custom attributes
Task Manager Calculated Attributes Total number of calculated custom attributes
Task Manager Alert Types Total number of alert types
Task Manager Custom Integrations Total number of custom integrations
Task Manager Task Types Total number of task types
Task Manager Custom Task Types Total number of custom task types
Task Manager Task Types with URL Integration Total number of task types associated with an end user integration and used in a template or active schedule task
Task Manager Task Types with Automation Integration Total number of task types that have an automation integration and used in a template or active schedule task
Task Manager Task Types with Event Monitor Integration Total number of task types that have an event monitoring integration and used in a template or active schedule task
Task Manager Manual Task Types Total number of custom task types that are not based on an integration
Task Manager Templates Total number of templates
Task Manager Maximum Embedded Templates Maximum number of embedded templates on a single parent template
Task Manager Average Embedded Templates Average number of embedded templates on a single parent template * (see Note)

Does not include non-parent templates.

Task Manager Template Tasks Total number of tasks on all templates
Task Manager Template Tasks with URL Integration Total number of tasks on all templates from a custom task type associated with an end user integration
Task Manager Template Tasks with Automation Integration Total number of tasks on all templates from a custom task type associated with an automated integration
Task Manager Template Task with Event Monitor Integration Total number of tasks on all templates from a custom task type associated with an event monitoring integration
Task Manager Basic Template Tasks Total number of tasks on all basic type templates
Task Manager Parent Template Tasks Total number of tasks on all parent type templates
Task Manager Manual Template Tasks Total number of tasks on all templates from custom task types that are not associated with an integration
Task Manager Average Tasks per Template Average number of tasks per template * (see Note)
Task Manager Maximum Attributes per Template Task Maximum number of custom attributes on a template task
Task Manager Average Attributes per Template Task Average number of custom attributes on each template task * (see Note)
Task Manager Maximum Questions per Template Task Maximum number of questions on each template task
Task Manager Average Questions per Template Task Average number of questions on each template task * (see Note)
Task Manager Custom Reports Total number of custom reports
Task Manager Global Integration Tokens Total number of global integration tokens
Note: * 0 or NA if no parent templates

Table 12-7 Task Manager Runtime Metrics

Metrics Label Description
Task Manager Schedules Total number of schedules
Task Manager Active Schedules Number of open or closed schedules
Task Manager Schedule Tasks Number of tasks in all schedules
Task Manager Tasks in Active Schedules Number of tasks in active schedules
Task Manager Manual Tasks in Active Schedules Number of tasks in an active schedule from custom task types that are not associated with an integration
Task Manager Open Tasks in Active Schedules Number of tasks in Open status in active schedules
Task Manager Closed Tasks in Active Schedules Number of tasks in Closed status in active schedules
Task Manager Pending Tasks in Active Schedules Number of tasks in Pending status in active schedules
Task Manager Error Tasks in Active Schedules Number of tasks in Error status in active schedules
Task Manager Basic Tasks in Active Schedules Number of Basic type tasks in active schedules
Task Manager Parent Tasks in Active Schedules Number of Parent type tasks in active schedules
Task Manager UI Integrations Tasks in Active Schedules Number of tasks in an active schedule from a custom task type associated with an end user integration
Task Manager Automated Tasks in Active Schedules Number of tasks in an active schedule from a custom task type associated with an automated integration
Task Manager Event Monitoring Tasks in Active Schedules Number of tasks in an active schedule from a custom task type associated with an event monitoring integration
Task Manager New Tasks in 1 Day Number of new tasks in schedules created in the last day
Task Manager Opened Tasks in 1 Day Number of tasks, including reopened tasks, that were set to Open status in the last day
Task Manager Closed Tasks in 1 Day Number of tasks that were set to Closed status in the last day
Task Manager New Tasks in 30 Days Number of tasks created in schedules in the last 30 days
Task Manager Opened Tasks in 30 Days Number of tasks, including reopened tasks, that were set to Open status in the last 30 days
Task Manager Closed Tasks in 30 Days Number of tasks that were set to Closed status in the last 30 days
Task Manager References Total number of uploaded files
Task Manager References By Used Size in MB Size, in MB, of all uploaded files
Task Manager Average Duration of Closed Tasks in 30 Days Average duration, in days, between the open and close date for tasks that were manually closed in the last 30 days * (see Note)
Task Manager Manually Closed Tasks in 30 Days Number of tasks without associated integration or with URL integration only that were closed in the last 30 days
Task Manager Percentage of Manually Closed Tasks in 30 Days Percentage of tasks without associated integration or with URL integration only that were closed in the last 30 days * (see Note)
Task Manager Percentage of Late Tasks in 30 Days Percentage of manually closed tasks late for anyone in the workflow in the last 30 days * (see Note)
Task Manager Percentage of Rejected Tasks in 30 Days Percentage of manually closed tasks with at least one rejection in the last 30 days * (see Note)
Task Manager Task Types Used in Active Schedules Number of unique task types associated with tasks in active schedules
Task Manager Open Alerts Total number of alerts in an Open status
Task Manager New Alerts in 1 Day Number of new alerts created in the last day
Task Manager Closed Alerts in 1 Day Number of alerts that were set to Closed status in the last day
Task Manager New Alerts in 30 Days Number of new alerts created in the last 30 days
Task Manager Closed Alerts in 30 Days Number of alerts that were set to Closed status in the last 30 days
Task Manager New Task Alerts in 30 Days Number of new Alerts associated with tasks in the last 30 days
Task Manager Closed Task Alerts in 30 Days Number of alerts associated with tasks that were set to Closed status in the last 30 days
Note: * 0 if no manually closed tasks in the last 30 days