Supplemental Data Manager Design and Runtime Metrics

This section gives a list of Supplemental Data Manager design and runtime metrics labels with their descriptions.

Table 11-4 Supplemental Data Manager Design Metrics

Metrics Label Description
SDM Local Dimensions Total number of local dimensions. This does not include default system dimensions.
SDM Collection Intervals Total number of collection intervals.
SDM Maximum Collections per Collection Interval Maximum number of collections associated with a single collection interval.
SDM Total Collections Total number of collections.
SDM Total Sub Collections Total number of sub collections.
SDM Max Sub Collection per Collection Maximum number of sub-collections associated with a single collection.
SDM Attributes Total number of attributes.
SDM Attributes - Calculated Total number of calculated attributes.
SDM Maximum Attributes per Collection/ Sub Collections Maximum number of attributes associated with a single collection or sub-collection.
SDM Form Templates Total number of form templates.
SDM Maximum Sections on Form Template Maximum number of sections on a single template.
SDM Average Sections on Form Template Average number of sections on form templates.
SDM Form Templates Workflow - Post only Number of form templates with post only workflow.
SDM Maximum Form Template Workflows Maximum number of workflows on a single template.
SDM Average Form Template Workflows Average number of workflows on form template.
SDM Maximum Questions per Form Template Maximum number of questions on a single form template.

Table 11-5 Supplemental Data Manager Runtime Metrics

Metrics Label Description
SDM Data Collection Periods Total number of data collection periods.
SDM Used Data Collection Periods Total number of data collection periods that have been used (not pending).
SDM Active Data Collection Periods Total number of active (open or closed) data collection periods.
SDM Templates Deployed Total number of times that the templates are deployed in all data collection periods. For example, if one template was deployed four different times, the result would be 4.
SDM Templates Deployed in Active Data Collection Periods Total number of times the templates are deployed in active (open or closed) data collection periods. For example, if one template was deployed into four data collection periods, but only two were currently active, the result would be 2.
SDM Forms Total number of forms.
SDM Open Forms Total number of forms in an open status.
SDM Ad-Hoc Forms Total number of ad-hoc forms in any status.
SDM Forms in Active Collection Periods Total number of forms in active (open or closed) collection periods.
SDM Open Forms in Active Collection Periods Total number of forms in active collection periods with open status.
SDM Closed Forms in Active Data Collection Periods Total number of forms in active collection periods with closed status.
SDM New Forms (1 day) Number of new forms created in the last day by either ad-hoc or recurring deployment.
SDM Redeployed Forms (1 day) Number of existing recurring forms that were redeployed in the last day.
SDM Opened Forms (1 day) Number of forms that were set to an open status in the last day. This includes forms that were reopened.
SDM Closed Forms (1 day) Number of forms that were set to a closed workflow status in the last day.
SDM Closed Late Forms (30 days) Number of forms that were set to a closed workflow status in the last 30 days that had ever been late.
SDM Rejected Forms (30 days) Number of forms that were rejected in the last 30 days. If the same form was rejected multiple times, it still counts as one.
SDM Average Duration of Closed Forms (30 days) Average duration of forms that have been set to a closed workflow status. Duration is calculated from the time the form was open to the time it was closed, which includes posting time if applicable.
SDM New Forms (30 days) Number of new forms created in the last 30 days by either ad-hoc or recurring deployment.
SDM Redeployed Forms (30 days) Number of existing recurring forms that were redeployed in the last 30 days.
SDM Opened Forms (30 days) Number of forms that were set to an open status in the last 30 days. This includes forms that were reopened.
SDM Closed Forms (30 days) Number of forms that were set to a closed workflow status in the last 30 days.
SDM References Total number of files uploaded.
SDM References By Size (Used) in MB Total size in MB of all files uploaded.
SDM Form Alerts (30 days) Number of alerts associated with forms in the last 30 days.
SDM Closed Form Alerts (30 Days) Number of alerts associated with forms set to closed status in the last 30 days.