Differences Between Classic and OCI EPM Cloud Environments

Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud business processes function the same irrespective of the Oracle Fusion Cloud EPM infrastructure in use. However, there are some differences between EPM Cloud operations in Classic and OCI environments.

Table 2-1 Differences between Classic and OCI environments

  Classic Functionality Equivalent OCI Functionality
URL formats URLs identify instance name, identity domain, EPM Cloud family, data center region, and application context in the following format:


For example:


URLs identify instance name, Cloud Account name, EPM Cloud family, data center region, and an application context in the following format:


For example:


User and Security Administration Uses one of the following:
  • My Services (Classic)
  • EPM Automate
Uses one of the following:
  • Oracle Cloud Identity Console
  • Oracle Cloud Console (IAM)
  • EPM Automate
Create a user Uses:
  • Add button on My Services (Classic) Users tab
  • EPM Automate
  • Add button on Oracle Cloud Identity Console Users page
  • Create user button on Oracle Cloud Console (IAM) Users page
  • EPM Automate
Create many users using a file Uses:
  • Import button on My Services (Classic) Users tab
  • EPM Automate
  • Import button on Oracle Cloud Identity Console Users page
  • More actions button, Import users option on Oracle Cloud Console (IAM) Users page
  • EPM Automate
Remove a user account Uses:
  • Remove option on the Action menu on My Services (Classic) Users tab
  • EPM Automate
  • Remove option on the selected user's menu on Oracle Cloud Identity Console Users page
  • Delete option on the selected user's menu on Oracle Cloud Console (IAM) Users page
  • EPM Automate
Assign Identity Domain Administrator role Use the Roles tab of My Services (Classic) Users page Administrators page in Security settings
Assign predefined role Use:
  • The Roles tab of My Services (Classic) Users page
  • EPM Automate
  • In Oracle Cloud Identity Console, on Oracle Cloud Services page, click an environment. Then click Application Roles and select Assign Users from the menu for each predefined role
  • In Oracle Cloud Console (IAM), on Oracle Cloud Services page, click an environment. Then click Application Roles and the predefined role. Select Manage link for Assigned users to manage user assignments
  • EPM Automate
Unassign predefined role Use:
  • The Roles tab of My Services (Classic) Users page
  • EPM Automate
  • In Oracle Cloud Identity Console, on Oracle Cloud Services page, click an environment. Then click Application Roles and select Revoke Users from the menu for each predefined role
  • In Oracle Cloud Console (IAM), on Oracle Cloud Services page, click an environment. Then click Application Roles and the predefined role. Select Manage link for Assigned users to manage user assignments
  • EPM Automate
Maintain identity domain credentials In SSO-enabled configurations Identity Domain Administrators modify user accounts to maintain identity domain credentials for those users who need to access EPM Automate or REST APIs Automatically maintains EPM Cloud credentials for all users
Set up SSO Uses SSO Configuration tab of My Services (Classic) Users page Use:
  • Identity Providers page of Security settings in Oracle Cloud Identity Console
  • Add IdP button on Identity Providers page of Security settings in Oracle Cloud Console (IAM)
Create Allowlist Uses the Service Details screen of My Services (Classic) Use setIPAllowlist and getIPAllowlist EPM Automate commands to setup and manage allowlist
Consolidate identity domains Self-service process Contact Oracle using a service request in the unlikely scenario where you use many identity domains
View Business metrics Available separately for each environment

Click the name of an application in My Services (Classic), and then click Business Metrics

Business metrics from all environments within the current Oracle Cloud Account is accessible from the Business Metrics tab

Click the name of an EPM application in My Services (OCI), and then click Business Metrics

View Instance Status and Uptime Available separately for each environment

Click the name of an application in My Services (Classic), and then click Overview

Status of all environments within the current Oracle Cloud Account is accessible from the Status tab

Click the name of an EPM application in My Services (OCI), and then click Status

Access documents (Bridge Letter, Breakglass Configuration, DR Evidence, HIPAA Attestation, ISO certificate, SOC-1, SOC-2, and so on) Available separately for each environment

Click the name of an active application in My Services (Classic), and then click Documents

Documents for all environments within the current Oracle Cloud Account is are accessible from the Documents tab

Click the name of an EPM application in My Services (OCI), and then click Documents

Audit and User Reports Available through EPM Automate or REST API Use:
  • Reports settings in Oracle Cloud Identity Console
  • Reports settings in Oracle Cloud Console (IAM)
  • EPM Automate
Basic authentication (name and password) for REST API* Uses user names in identitydomainusername format for authentication Uses user name in username format (without identity domain) for authentication
Retrieving data after service termination Through SFTP account After termination, environments are available for 60 days to retrieve the last maintenance snapshot
Account management Available through My Account portal Available through Manage Account in My Services (OCI)
Restore backup snapshots Requires a service request asking Oracle to copy the required backup snapshot to the environment, if available Self-service operation using the listBackups and restoreBackup EPM Automate commands or corresponding REST APIs
Generate execution plans for custom report queries within Account Reconciliation, Task Manager, Supplemental Data Manager, and Enterprise Journals Not enabled by default. To enable this feature, contact Oracle using a service request Enabled by default
* For detailed information, see Basic Authentication - for Classic and OCI (Gen 2) Environments in REST API for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud