10 Troubleshooting EPM Digital Assistant

Configuration Troubleshooting Tips

If you are having trouble seeing the EPM Digital Assistant on Home, check these configuration troubleshooting tips:

  • Is da.epmUser and da.epmPassword configured in Oracle Digital Assistant Settings as Custom Parameters?

    See Configuring Authentication Parameters for a Classic Environment

  • Is the application metadata CSV file successfully imported?

    See Importing Application Value List Entities

  • Check if the channel was created properly.

    1. Are you routing to the correct skill and correct version?

    2. Check if Channel Enabled = ON.

    3. Check if Client Authentication Enabled = OFF.

    See Setting Up Channels.
  • Check if the EPM Digital Assistant Settings are correct:

    1. Check if Service URI (for ARCS) or Service Name (for FCCS or TRCS) has been provided without http or https in the Account Reconciliation, Consolidation and Close, Tax Reporting, Planning, or Planning Modules Digital Assistant settings.

    2. Check if the correct Channel ID has been provided in the Account Reconciliation, Consolidation and Close, Tax Reporting, Planning, or Planning Modules Digital Assistant settings.

    See Configuring Applications.
  • Check the status of the skill:

    • Is the skill in Published state? A skill with Published state is just for read only, and no other modification can be done on it.

    • If modifications need to be done for a published skill, you need to clone or create a new version of the published skill.

      • Cloning will create a new skill (with Draft status) with different name.

      • Versioning will create a new version of the skill (with Draft status) keeping the name intact.


For more information about EPM Cloud best practices, see Troubleshooting EPM Cloud Issues in the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud Operations Guide.