Preparing Application Entities for Import in a CSV File

To prepare application entities, you can create a csv file rather than creating your entities one at a time in Oracle Digital Assistant's Bot Builder. You use the csv file to create entire sets of application entity definitions. The csv file is divided into three columns: entity, en:value, and en:synonyms.


A helpful way to create a file is to first export the existing entities to a file so that you see the format, and then edit that file to match the target application.

  • File format is csv

  • All the entities and its values can be in a single file

  • Every row will have the DIM_ENTITY name repeated for all members of the entity.

  • Synonyms needs to be separated by a comma. Here's an example:

    • entity,en:value,en:synonyms

    • DIM_ACCOUNT,FCCS_System Account,System Account

    • DIM_ACCOUNT,FCCS_Total Assets,Total Assets,All Assets

  • Some helpful tips for creating a file:
    • For Account Reconciliation, you can export Periods, Filters and Reconciliations from their respective dialogs and open the files in Excl.
      1. Open in Excel and remove all the columns except the Name.
      2. Add a column at the beginning and fill it with value AR_RECON_PERIOD for periods, AR_FILTER_NAME for filters, and AR_RECON_ID for reconciliations.


        You can export profiles from the Profiles card to get all the reconciliations.


        For Account Reconciliation, the file must be generated for Account Reconciliation entities using a similar method. There are no synonyms defined for the filter or periods in Account Reconciliation, but you may choose to define them for ODA entities.
    • For Consolidation and Close, Tax Reporting, Planning, or Planning Modules, you can export all the dimensions from the Export Metadata option and open the files in Excel.

      1. Open in Excel and remove all the columns except Name and Alias columns.
      2. Add a new column at the beginning and fill it with ODA Entity name such as DIM_ACCOUNT, DIM_SCENARIO or DIM_PERIOD.
      3. If you have multiple aliases, create another column and concatenate all the alias values with a colon (:) as a separator.
      4. Copy and Paste Special to paste only values in another column.
      5. Delete all the individual alias columns as well as the formula column and keep the headers row as entity, value and synonyms.
      6. Save the file as csv.
    • You can remove the invalid characters such as an alias value ending with a period (.), ending with a question mark (?), or an alias containing a colon (:) in the value.

    • You can use a separate file for importing each ODA entity or use a single file by merging all the rows.