Registering a Business Rule in Independent Mode

Register business rules in independent mode to run a rule in response to a system event.

To register a business rule in independent mode:

  1. To register a business rule for all integrations loading to an application, from the Application page, click Image shows Select icon. to the right of the application, and then select Business Rules.


    To register a business rule for given integration, from the General page, click Image shows Select icon. to the right of the integration, then select Options, and then from the Edit Integration page, select the Business Rules tab.


    If a given Event has a business rule registered at the integration and application level, only the business rule on the integration level is triggered.
  2. From the Business Rules page, click the Independent mode.

    • Before Extract

    • Before Import

    • After Import

    • Before Load

    • After Load

    • Before Check

    • After Check

    For a description of the system events that can be used to trigger business rules in Data Integration, see Business Rules Supported Events.

  3. From Type, select if the business rule to be run is an individual rule or belongs to a ruleset for any given Event.

    Available types:

    • Rule—Identifies a specific business rule that can run for any given Event.
    • Ruleset—Identifies a business rule that belongs to a ruleset. A ruleset provides a unit of execution when multiple rules are included in a set of rules to be run. In rulesets, the priority of rules applies to specify the order of firing of the rules in the ruleset. Rulesets are used to launch rules sequentially or simultaneously depending on your logic requirements.
  4. From Name, select the business rule to run.

    The business rules available in this field are prebuilt in Calculation Manager and then made available to Data Integration when loading data to your Planning target applications.

    If a business rule name is changed in Planning, the new business rule name is not automatically renamed in Data Integration, which does not validate business rules names and logic.

  5. In Run Time Prompts, click Image shows the Edit icon. to add or edit any run time prompts.

    For more about working with run time prompts, see Adding Run Time Prompts to Business Rules.

  6. In Sequence, specify the order in which to run the rule when multiple rules or rulesets have been associated with a single event.

    Since multiple scripts can be executed for an event, this sequence value provides the numeric order in which each business rule is executed. You can enter any number, but the number must be unique within an event.