Defining Application Dimension Details

The Application Dimensions page lists dimensions for a selected application. A dimension is a structure that categorizes data in order to enable users to answer business questions. Each dimension usually contains a hierarchy of related members grouped within it. Commonly used dimensions are Customers, Products, and Time.

For example, in Planning, there are seven standard dimensions: Account, Entity, Scenario, Version, Period, Years, and Currency. In addition, general Planning applications can include up to and twenty-five custom dimensions.

Dimension details differ for each application type. For selected application types, you can reclassify the dimensions and change the dimension class as necessary.

To define dimension details:

  1. From the Application page, click Image shows Select icon. to the right of the application, and then select Application Details.
  2. Select the Dimensions tab.
  3. Select Create Drill Region option to include a dimension in the Drill Region data slice definition. When the dimension is selected during the data load process, the system builds the data slice by including the unique list of values for each of the dimension.


    The Drill Region simply defines the cells for which the drill icon is enabled in the Data Forms and SmartView. It is recommended to use a minimum set of dimensions to define the drill region. If a large number of dimensions are included in the drill region, then the size of the drill region becomes large and consumes system resources every time a form is rendered. For Planning applications, use dimensions with small number of members like Scenario, Year, Period, Version to define the drill region. For an Financial Consolidation and Close application, use only the Data Source for defining the drill region.

    If you want to define a more granular drill region with multiple dimensions, then use the Calculation Manager Drill Region page to edit the region definition. You can use member functions like iDescendants to define the region instead of individual members. You can access the by selecting Navigate and then Rules. Then click Database Properties and expand the application and select the cube. Right click and select Drill Through Definition. Edit only the Region definition and do not modify the XML content. If you edit the drill region manually, set the Drill Region option to No in Application Options.

  4. For each dimension name not defined in the application, click Add (Image shows the Add button.), and select the target dimension class name from the Target Dimension Class drop-down.

    The dimension class is a property that is defined by the dimension type. For example, if you have a Period dimension, the dimension class is also "Period." For Oracle Essbase applications, you must specify the appropriate dimension class for Account, Scenario, and Period. For Oracle Hyperion Public Sector Planning and Budgeting applications, you must specify the dimension class for Employee, Position, Job Code, Budget Item, and Element.

  5. The Data Table Column Name shows the table column name of the column in the staging table (TDATASEG) where the dimension value is stored.

    The Data Table Column Name is an informational field and cannot be changed.

  6. In Mapping Sequence, specify the order in which the maps are processed.

    For example, when "Account" is set to 1, "Product" is set to 2, and "Entity" is set to 3, then Data Integration first processes the mapping for Account dimension, followed by Product, and then by Entity.

  7. Data Export Applications only: In View Sequence, specify the order of each column in the data export file.

    For example, when "Account" is set to 1, "Product" is set to 2, and "Entity" is set to 3, then Data Integration, shows "Account" first, "Product" is shown second, and "Entity" is shown third.

    By default, Data Integration assigns the "Account" dimension as the first column in the order.

  8. Click Save.

    The application is ready for use with Data Integration.

    Image shows the Application Details page.


To edit the dimension details, select the application, then edit the application or dimension details, as necessary.