Creating an Oracle NetSuite Data Source

Target applications enable Data Integration to store the structure of the source and target applications that can be integrated. In this way, you can map the source and target applications and specify import criteria.

Oracle NetSuite Saved Searches results are registered with an application type of "data source." During the initialization, the system creates the data source automatically based on the available Saved Searches results under the user name registered in the Oracle NetSuite source system. In the target application option, you can create additional Saved Searches in Oracle NetSuite, and then register the custom saved searches on the Application page.


You can click Update Application from the Actions menu on the Application page to update any saved searches that have been created in Oracle NetSuite after you have initialized the source system in Data Integration.


When you create an Oracle NetSuite data source, dimension details are populated automatically and mapped directly to the target dimension class "Generic." As a rule, when loading data from an Oracle NetSuite data source, do not change, add, or delete any dimension details.

For information on creating an Oracle NetSuite data source, see Registering Oracle NetSuite Applications.