Sending Pipeline EMAIL Notifications

After running the Pipeline, you can send an email notification and attach the log based on your runtime variable definitions.

Image shows Pipeline email notification.

The Send Mail variable determines when an email is sent when a Pipeline is run. Options include:

  • Always
  • No—Default value
  • On Failure
  • On Success

The Send To variable determines the recipient email ID for the email notification. Email IDs are comma separated.

The Attach Log variable determines if Pipeline logs are zipped and included as an attachment in an email. A download link for the log is added automatically for each job.

Available options:

  • Yes—Logs are zipped and included as an attachment to an email, which can then be download.
  • No—Default value

By default, an email includes a link to view the log file. When you click the link, you are prompted to login to the system and download the log file. If you are already logged in, the logs are downloaded automatically.

For more information about the runtime variables, see Editing Runtime Variables.