System Settings

Use system settings to set, update, or clear system level options that apply to the entire system.

To define system settings:

  1. From the Actions menu, select System Settings.

  2. From the System Settings page, select the option to add or change and then click Save.

Available system-level options:

Table 4-1 System-Level Settings

Option Value
Create Location Folder

Instructs the system to create a location folder in the inbox when a location is created. Available values are Yes or No. Set this option once and do not change it. This setting is optional but recommended.

Archive Mode

Specifies whether archived files are copied or moved to the archive location. Enter Copy, Move, or None.

If you select Copy, then the file is left in the inbox.

If you select Move, then the file is copied to the archive folder and deleted from the inbox.

The folder named data is the archive folder.

When the file is moved to the archive location, it is renamed as follows:

<Process ID><Year><Month><Day>.<Original Extension>

For example, if the source file name is BigFile.csv, and it was loaded for period Mar-07 with a period key of 03/01/2023, and if the process id was 983, then the resulting file name is 98320230301.csv.

Files that you create or upload to an environment are deleted after 60 days.

Data Integration process log files are retained for seven days only. Oracle recommends that you regularly download the files you want to keep to a local machine.

Excluded File Upload Wild Cards

Specify file extensions that cannot be uploaded.

For example, you might specify *.jsp or ,*.py.

Enter *.* to disallow all file uploads.

Batch Size

Specify the number of rows read at a time from the file to memory. This parameter is mainly used for performance. When data is loaded, this setting determines how many records are stored in the cache.

For example, when 1000 is specified; the system stores 1,000 records in cache. Similarly, when 5000 is specified, the system stores 5,000 records in cache and commit. Determine this setting by Server Memory and adjust as needed.

File Character Set

Select the method for mapping bit combinations to characters for creating, storing, and displaying text from the drop-down.

Each encoding has a name; for example, UTF-8. Within an encoding, each character maps to a specific bit combination; for example, in UTF-8, uppercase A maps to HEX41.

Specify the method for mapping bit combinations to characters for creating, storing, and displaying text.

Each encoding has a name; for example, UTF-8. Within an encoding, each character maps to a specific bit combination; for example, in UTF-8, uppercase A maps to HEX41.

Click Image shows the Search icon. to view available character sets.

Encoding refers to mapping bit combinations to characters for creating, storing, and displaying text.

Convert the encoding to UNICODE if your source file is not in one of the supported formats.

Default POV Location

Specify the default POV location from the drop-down.

Default POV Period

Specify the default POV Period from the drop-down.

These preferences take precedence when no equivalent settings have been defined in Application Settings or User Settings (for more information, see Setting Application-Level Profiles and Setting User Level Profiles in Administering Data Management for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud.)

Default POV Category

Specify the default POV Category from the drop-down.

These preferences take precedence when no equivalent settings have been defined in Application Settings or User Settings Data Management (for more information, see Setting Application-Level Profiles and Setting User Level Profiles in Administering Data Management for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud.)

Global POV Mode

When this value is set to Yes, other POVs (Application Level and User Level POV settings) are ignored.

Default Check Report

Specify the type of Check Report to use as the def default check report from the drop-down.

The following are pre-seeded check reports, but you can create a new one and specify it here:

  • Check Report—displays the results of the validation rules for the current location (pass or fail status).

  • Check Report Period Range (Cat, Start per, End per)—Displays the results of the validation rules for a category and selected periods.

  • Check Report by Val. Entity Seq.—Displays the results of the validation rules for the current location (pass or fail status); sorted by the sequence defined in the validation entity group.

  • Check Report with Warnings—Displays the results of the validation rules for the current location. Warnings are recorded in validation rules and shown if warning criteria are met. This report does not show rules that passed the validation.

Batch Timeout in Minutes

When a batch job is run in sync mode (immediate processing), specify the maximum time the job can run. In sync mode, Data Management waits for the job to complete before returning control.

Log Level

Specify the level of detail displayed in the logs. A log level of 1 shows the least detail. A log level of 5 shows the most detail.

Logs are displayed in Process Details by selecting the Log link.

Check Report Precision

Specify the total number of decimal digits for rounding numbers, where the most important digit is the left-most nonzero digit, and the least important digit is the right-most known digit.

Display Data Export Option "Override All Data"

Specify Yes to display the Override All Data option in the Export Mode drop-down located on the Execute Rule screen.

When you select to override all data, the following message is displayed "Warning: Override All Data option will clear data for the entire application. This is not limited to the current Point of View. Do really want to perform this action."

Enable Map Audit

Set to Yes to create audit records for the Map Monitor reports (Map Monitor for Location, and Map Monitor for User). The default value for this setting is No.

Access to Open Source Document

When drilling down to the Data Integration landing page, this setting determines access to the Open Source Document link (which opens the entire file that was used to load data).

Available values:

  • Administrator—Access to Open Source Document link is restricted to the administrator user.

  • All Users—Access to the Open Source Document link is available to all users. All Users is the default setting.

Map Export Delimiter

Specify the column delimiter value when exporting member mappings.

Available delimiters are:

  • ! (exclamation mark)

  • , (comma)

  • ; (semi-colon)

  • | (pipe)

Map Export Excel File Format

Select the Excel file format to use when exporting member mappings from the drop-down:

Available values:

  • Excel 97-2003 Workbook (*.xls)
  • Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook (*.xlsm)
Map LCM Format

Select the export option for data load mappings to Migration (Lifecycle Management) from the drop-down

Available value:

  • Individual Data Load Mapping— maps are exported individually for each location and imported individually for each location. If you have a large number of maps for each location, use this method since it allows loading of maps in smaller sets by location. This method is also useful to migrate maps for certain locations selectively. With this method, existing maps are deleted and replaced by new maps in the snapshot.
  • Combine Data Load Mapping for All Locations—maps are exported in a single artifact for all locations. With this method, maps from the snapshot are merged to the existing maps in the target system. This is the default setting.
LCM Mode

Select the LCM Mode to use when exporting Lifecycle Management snapshots from the drop-down.

Available options:

  • Individual Artifact – Setup Only—In this mode, you select the individual artifacts to migrate such as locations and mappings. When you import the snapshot in the target system merges data with the existing data in the target system. This mode does not include Workbench data.

    This is default mode used by the LCM process.

    Snapshots of individual artifacts are exported as XML files contained in a ZIP file. Snapshot ZIP files are available from the Snapshots tab in Migration.

  • Single Snapshot – Setup Only—In this mode, when you import the snapshot in the target system, all the existing setup data is deleted and the data from the snapshot is imported.

    For a list of setup artifacts, see Snapshot Export Setup Artifacts in Administering Data Management for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud.

    Setup artifacts are exported to CSV files in table format contained in a ZIP file. Snapshot ZIP files are available from the Snapshots tab in Migration.

    Snapshots run in Single Snapshot – Setup Only mode are executed faster than snapshots run in Individual Artifact – Setup Only mode and may prevent database timeout issues.

  • Single Snapshot – Setup and Data—In this mode, the data in the target system is completely deleted and data from the snapshot is imported. The import process can take longer depending on the volume of the Workbench data and may affect the performance of the LCM backup depending on the size of the data in the staging tables.

    For a list of setup and data artifacts, see Snapshot Export Setup Artifacts in Administering Data Management for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud and Snapshot Export Data Artifacts in Administering Data Management for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud.

    Before using this mode, create a baseline individual artifact snapshot.

    The system exports setup and all data (including Workbench) incrementally to CSV files in table format contained in a ZIP file. Snapshot ZIP files are available from the Snapshots tab in Migration.

All Data Type Load Using Jobs

Specify Yes to create a Planning job when an integration is an "All Data Type Load" type load.

Enable Pipeline Execution for Non-Admin Users Specify Yes to enable non-administrator users to view Pipelines on the Data Integration home page.