Inserting Rows and Columns

You insert rows or columns into a grid to add content, such as data, formulas, text, and Notes to the grid. Types of rows and columns include:

  • Data—Members of dimensions that are retrieved from a database connection. The member in a data row or column defaults to the top-level member of the dimension.


    A data segment is a row or column that retrieves data from a database. An expanded data segment is a row or column that can expand, so that the resulting grid expands to two or more rows or columns when viewed. Often, expanded data segments use functions such as Children Of or Descendants Of. A single data segment is a row or column that remains a single row or column when shown in the viewer.

    A # symbol in the cell, row, or column indicates that it is a data cell, row, or column.

  • Formula—Values based on formulas. Commonly used to calculate totals, averages, and variances on data rows or columns.

    An = # symbol in the cell, row, or column indicates that it is a formula cell, row, or column.

    Formula row or column headings, which display the row number or column letter, display a symbol formula indicator as an indicator.

  • Text—Text typed into the cells or returned dynamically through a text function.

    Text rows, columns, or cells in grids do not contain symbols when added to a grid. They are initially blank until populated with text.


    Text segments or cells do not support special characters such as superscript and subscript.

    Text row or column headings, which display the row number or column letter, display a symbol text indicator as an indicator.

  • Separator—Inserts a blank row or column.

    Separator rows do not contain data or text. They serve as a visual dividing line between rows or columns in a grid.

  • Note - For Narrative Reporting deployments, you can insert a Note row or column into a grid for structured POV-based commentary entry. Note row or column headings, which display the row number or column letter, display a symbol note row or note column indicatoras an indicator.

To insert a row or a column in a grid:

  1. In an existing grid, select a row or column header.
  2. Right-click, or click the arrow next to the column or row header cell, and select Insert Before or Insert After, and then select Data, Formula, Text, or Separator or Note (Narrative Reporting deployments only).
  3. Populate the row or column:
    • For a data row or column, right-click the row or column heading or click the arrow next to the column or row header cell, and then select dimension members to place in the row or column. See Assigning Members to Data Rows or Columns.

    • For a formula row or column, select the row or column heading and build a formula in the formula bar at the top of the Report Designer. See Defining Formula Rows and Columns

    • For a text row or column, enter text or text function directly in the row, column, or cell, in the formula bar at the top of the Report Designer. See Text Functions.

    • For a Note Row or Note Column, select member, select a Note Template, and set other properties. See Setting up the Inline Grid Entry of Notes