Setting up the Inline Grid Entry of Notes

Using Report Designer, you can insert a Note column or row segment into a grid, and select a Note template to associate with the Note segment. You set column or row properties for the Note Segment, as well as a segment header and member selection for each dimension in the axis that the Note segment was inserted.


Note segments can only be associated with data segments, Note segments cannot be associated with formula segments.

To insert a Note column or row segment:

Table 11-1 This table describes steps involved in setting up a inline grid entry of Notes

Tasks Perform these Sub Tasks For More Information
Inserting a Note Column or Row

In a grid, you can either insert a Note Column or Note Row segments.

Inserting a Note Column or Row
Selecting Members for the Note Row or Column

In Note Segments, you can select a member for each dimension.

Selecting Members for the Note Row or Column
Setting the Allow Note Entry Property

In Note Segments, you can either restrict or allow Note entry via setting the Allow Note Input property in Cell Formatting or Conditional Formatting.

Setting the Allow Note Entry Property
Selecting an Existing Note Template or Create a New One

In Note Row or Note Column Segment, you can either select an existing Note Template or create a new one.

Selecting an Existing Note Template or Create a New One
Managing Note Templates for Inline Grid Entry

You can access Note Templates and perform Note template maintenance.

Managing Note Templates for Inline Grid Entry

Watch this tutorial video, you’ll learn how to set up the Inline Grid Entry of Notes.

video icon -- Setting Up the Inline Grid Entry of Notes.

Learn how to set up the inline grid entry of notes in Narrative Reporting. Using Report Designer, you can insert a note column segment or note row segment into a grid, and select a note template to associate with the note segment. This allows users to insert notes into row or column segments in the grid when viewing the report in HTML.