Working with Butterfly Reports

By using the Row Headings Before Grid General property, you can define a "butterfly report", positioning the row heading between any two columns. For example, select the forth column (D), to place the heading before the forth column (D).
To view the Butterfly Report format:
  1. In the Grid Designer, set the Row Headings Before option to the desired column.
    Heading Before option setting


    By default Row Headings Before option is set to Column A.

  2. In the Report Designer, set the report’s Fit to Page property to either Width or Both.
    fit to page options


    If the Heading Before property has a selection other than Column A, then you must set the report’s Fit to Page property to either Width or Both.

  3. In the Report Designer, select preview button to view the "Butterfly Report".
    output of butterfly report