Limitations for Creating a Book

In the current release, Books has these limitations:

  • You must set the Prompts from the Book Designer. They cannot be responded to when running the Book.

  • The maximum number of allowed nodes in the "tree" in the Book Designer is 50.


    When adding a number of artifacts that exceeds the maximum number of allowed nodes, an error will be received, and some of the selected artifacts will still be added up to the maximum allowed amount.
  • The maximum number of Cascade Expansions allowed is 600. This represents the maximum number of "items" (expansions) that are generated at the start of running a book. It includes all of the Word, PDF, Reports, Books and Sections that are going to be generated when the book cascades over all of the queries the customer has defined in the design time.

    For example, a Book with a Table of Contents (TOC) and a Section with two reports would be as follows: Note that since Report#1 and Report#2 are under Section#1 and have CurrentPOV select for the Period dimension, both reports will be run for Q1 and Q2.

    • TOC

    • Section#1 {Period: Q1, Q2}

      • Report#1 {Period: CurrentPov}

      • Report#2 {Period: CurrentPov}

    Seven expansion items would be generated (one for the TOC, two for Section#1, two for Report#1, and two for Report#2).

  • The maximum number of CascadeExpansions that are executable (Report or Book) allowed is 425. This represents the total number of expansion "items" (Reports or inserted Books) that are needed to "execute" against the data source.

    In the same example as above, there are Seven expansion items, but only four of them are "executable". As there is nothing to "execute" associated with a Word, PDF, or Section, they are "free" from this governor and are not considered.

    Four executable expansion items would be generated (two for Report#1 and two for Report#2)

  • The maximum document (Word or PDF) size allowed of 5 MB.

  • When inserting one or more books (such as Book 1, Book 2, and so on) into another book (referred to as the "main book") results in the table of contents (TOC) for the "main book" not displaying the TOCs for the inserted books. Instead, the TOC for the "main book" lists each inserted book as a single TOC entry without displaying the details of the inserted books TOCs. However, when the book is run, the inserted books TOCs are not updated, and only the TOC of the "main book" is updated.