Using Auto-complete in the Formula Bar

You can manually enter member names, including Substitution and User Variables (preceded by an ampersand "&"), and functions in the grid formula bar, auto-complete will list matches based your entry. You can make a selection by clicking on any of the suggestions shown in the drop down.

Most of the member selection functions are supported, except for functions that require multiple parameters. Auto-complete will return error messages for invalid selections.


For dimensions with over 25,000 members, the formula bar type-ahead search is disabled.

The following functions are supported with auto-complete:

  • Ancestors

  • Bottom

  • Children

  • CurrentPOV

  • DynamicTimeSeries

  • Descendants

  • Generation

  • Level

  • Parent

  • RelativeMembers - up to (+/-) 15

  • SameGeneration

  • SameLevel

  • Siblings

The following functions and selections are not supported with auto-complete:

  • PeriodOffset

  • Prompt

  • Property

  • Range

  • Saved Selections

  • Except

  • Intersect

  • Match

For example, refer to the following images.

auto complete first image

auto complete second image