Setting Up the Point of View

To set up the point of view:

  1. Open a grid in edit mode of Grid Designer.
  2. In the POV bar at the top of the grid, click on a dimension label to open the member selector for that dimension.
  3. In the member selector, select one or more members for the dimension by clicking the check mark next to a member name. You can select individual members, or you can use lists or member selection functions to select multiple members.


    If you do not define a selection for the dimension, the system displays Default, and the report viewer can select any member that they have access to for that dimension.

  4. To set POV options for a dimension, click actions next to a POV dimension, and then select from the following:
    • Reset Selection—Resets the dimension selection to Default.

    • Hide Dimension—Hides the dimension in Preview mode. This is available only if multiple selections are not defined for the dimension.

    • Global Dimension—Toggles the dimension between Global and Local POV.


      If a POV dimension is defined as Local, when you preview the report in HTML preview, you select the members for that dimension above the grid and not in the Global POV bar at the top of the report. The Local POV is not displayed when previewing the report in PDF preview.

    • Display Suggestions Only—Restricts report viewers to selecting only from the members that you specify in the POV. Viewers are not able to select other members for this dimension.

    • Print All Selections—Renders each member of a dimension with multiple members on a separate page or sheet when outputting to PDF or Excel.


      This option is available only when there are multiple POV member selections defined and Display Suggestions Only is selected.

  5. Continue selecting members and setting POV options for the remaining POV dimensions as needed. To reset all dimensions to Default, click actions at the far right of the POV bar and select Reset All to Default.


    When a POV dimension has a suggested list is set to a single member and the Display Suggestions Only property is turned off, the POV dimension will always be set to the specified suggested list member regardless of what the most previous selection for the dimension in another report.

    This is done to allow a report designer to enforce a default member for a POV dimension, wherein the default member is the member always initially used when the report is first previewed.

    You can change the dimension to be any member as the Display Suggestions Only property is turned off.