General Properties

General properties affect the entire grid. Use general properties to edit the following:

Table 4-1 Grid - General Properties

Property Name Descriptions


Edit the grid name. A best practice is to name your grids with a meaningful name for easier identification of multiple grids in a report.


Specify a grid title, which can include text and text functions, to include at the top of the grid output, which can span across column headers. The grid title can also have font, border and shading formatting applied, see the related formatting topics. To add multiple lines to the grid title, use the Alt+Enter keys (Option+Enter on the Mac).

Data Source

Change the data source for the grid

Column Width / Row Height

Set the default column width and row height.

Row Banding

Apply shading to alternate rows in a grid. You can select the default shading color. Any columns or rows with existing shading in the grid are not affected by row banding.


Zoom Before

Zoom allows you to expand a row or column parent member to see its children, descendants, or bottom level members when you preview a report in HTML.

See Zooming on Parent Members in Grids

Ancestors Before Children

Use Ancestor Before Children to display the ancestor members before child members instead of after the child members, when using specific member selection functions such as Children or Descendants. The default setting is False.

See Working with the Ancestor Before Children Property

Drill Through to Source

To enable Drill Through to Source, where a file attached to a cell at the data source, such as an EPM Cloud cell file attachment or Essbase Linked Reporting Object (LRO), for the entire grid, set Drill Through to Source to "Show". If set to "Hide", individual cells can still be enabled in Cell Properties. See Working with Drill Through and Cell File Attachments.

Supporting Details Option

Select to display Supporting Details either before or after a member, and with or without the unary operator.

Smart List View

Select to either display the Smart List Name or Value.



Member Labels

Change how the row and column headings are displayed. For example, you can display member names, aliases, or both.

Note: These settings can be overridden at the column or row level. See Overriding a Data Row or Column Heading.

Repeated Heading

Specify whether to suppress, show or merge repeated row or column headings.

Alias Table Name

By default, grids use the alias table that was selected by the end user while previewing the report. However, you can select a different alias table at the grid level. Use Alias Table Name to set an alias table for the grid.

Row Headings Before

By using the Row Headings Before Grid General property, you can define a "butterfly report", positioning the row heading between any two columns. See Working with Butterfly Reports.

Text Options

  • No Data

  • No Access

  • Error

  • Zero Values

  • Decimal Precision for Zero

Set the text replacement options for cells with zeroes, no data, error results from a formula, or no access due to cell-level security applied.

The Decimal Precision for the Zero property specifies how many decimal places are used to determine the text replacement for zero. The default is 0 decimal places. For example, with a data value of .01:

  • If the property is set to 0 decimal places, the data value will be replaced with the zero value text replacement specified.

  • If the property is set to 2 decimal places, the data value will be displayed as .01 and will not be replaced.


  • Zero Values

  • No Data

  • No Access

  • Error

  • Missing Blocks

Select whether you want to suppress zeroes, cells with no data, errors, no access, and missing blocks for data cells.


Formula cells results are not suppressed via "suppress no data" (#missing) because:

  • Suppress no data is passed to the data source. The data source completes suppression of #missing data before returning the results to the Reports server, where the formula evaluations are performed.

  • Formulas may reference data cells (and possibly other formula cells). The data cells that are suppressed because of #missing values are not included in the formula evaluation. For example, #missing data values are not included as part of the Average() calculation.

  • The value of #missing does not apply to formula cells because they are never "missing" at the data source level. Formula cells, either without a value or with an invalid value, have a value of #error, not #missing.

To suppress data values in formula cells, use conditional suppression to evaluate them.


If a grid’s row or column suppression is disabled, at least one data or formula segment, or a text segment with the text functions CellText or CellValue, needs to be displayed in the grid, then the entire grid will be suppressed.

If you want to hide all data segments but still want to display the text in the grid, then you can perform one of these steps:

  • Set the row height or column width for the data segment to 1, and then set the font color to White.

  • Select the data segment, then enable the Replace Text, and then provide a blank string in the text field.


For EPM Cloud platform data sources when Suppress Missing Blocks is enabled, you may receive grid results, where a few cells either rows or columns that contain missing data, were not suppressed. This is consistent with results from Smart View and forms. To suppress these missing data in either rows or columns, you need to set the suppressions option to No Data and set the Optimized value to True. The property name Optimized is only available when Suppress No Data is enabled. When Suppress No Data is enabled, and Optimized is also enabled, both Suppress Missing Blocks and Suppress missing rows/columns are applied to grid retrievals to the data source.


Suppress Missing Blocks with Zoom enabled on column segments is not supported.

Date Format

The date format for grid cells that contain dates is derived from the User Preferences date format setting. Use Date Format in grid properties to override the date format with a format specific to the grid. This date format will apply to any date cell values in the grid. If you do not specify a date format for the grid, the format from User Preferences is used.

Cell Padding

  • Horizontal

  • Vertical

Specify the number of pixels used to pad cells vertically and horizontally. The default number is 5 pixels.

Migrated Financial Reporting (which does not support cell padding) reports have this value set to zero.


  • Group Page Break

  • No Page Breaks In Group

Defines how page breaks are handled when previewing the report in PDF format.

For more information, see Grouping and Page Breaks

Conditional Expression

Use scaled/rounded value

To specify whether conditional formatting and suppression, as well as basic (grid, column or row) suppression, use scaled or unscaled raw data values within a condition, use the grid property Use scaled/rounded value.

  • The default is True, which means that the formatted and scaled data values are used within the condition. For example, if a cell with a data value of 125,016,551 is scaled to thousands and displayed as 125,016, the 125,016 value will be used within the condition.

  • If the property is set to False, the underlying and unscaled data value will be used within the condition. This setting applies to all conditional formatting and suppression for the grid.