Map the Dimensions in the Source to the Dimensions in the Target

The next step is to map the dimensions from the Multi_Account_Column.txt file to the dimensions in the target Planning application. For this integration we will use a single expression for the HSP_view dimension and a driver feature for the Amount dimension.

  1. On the Edit Integration screen, change the Type to Multi-Column – Numeric Data, and map the source dimensions for Account, Entity, Product, and Version to the target dimensions as shown.

    Edit Integration screen showing the dimension mapping

  2. Enter an expression for the HSP_View dimension.

    For the HSP_View dimension, we will use an expression instead of a mapping rule, and we will set a value of "BaseData" as the default.

    1. In the HSP_View row, select Gear button, and then select Edit Target Expression.

      Edit Integration screen with the Gear button and Edit Target Expression selected

    2. In the Edit Target Expression dialog box, select Expression Type, and then select Constant.

      Edit Target Expression dialog box with Constant selected

    3. In the Text field, enter BaseData, and then click OK.

      Edit Target Expression dialog box with BaseData entered for HSP_View

  3. Enter driver parameters for the Amount dimension.

    In this example, we will edit the source expression to set "account" as the driver, to specify that there is a header row, and to specify that the periods are in columns 1,2 and 3.

    1. In the Amount row, select Gear button, and then select Edit Source Expression.

      Edit Integration screen with Amount, the Gear button, and Edit Source Expression selected

    2. In the Edit Source Expression dialog box, select Expression Type, and then select Driver.

      Edit Source Expression dialog box with Driver selected

    3. Set the Dimension to Account, the Header Row to 1, and the Column to 1,3, and then click OK.

      Edits Source Expression dialog box with parameters defined for Amount

  4. Click Save and Continue to continue to the next step.

    Edit Integration screen with Save and Continue selected