Launching Planning Business Rules and Viewing Logs from the Rule Designer

You can launch Planning business rules and view the logs that are generated.

When you have a business rule open for viewing or editing in the Rule Designer, you can launch the rule and view any logs generated in the Log Messages tab of the Rule Designer. You can export the logs to a comma separated values (.csv) file.

To launch business rules and view log messages from the Rule Designer:

  1. In System View, double-click a rule.
  2. In the Rule Designer, select Actions, and then Launch.

    After the rule is run, a confirmation message is displayed that indicates whether the rule launched with or without errors. Click OK to close the confirmation message.

  3. Select the Log Message tab.

    The log messages contain the following information:

    • Message Number—ID of the message as shown in the log file

    • Message Level—Severity/level of the message

    • Message Text—Complete text of the message

    • Message Timestamp—Time stamp indicating when the message was generated

    • Pass Number—Number of the current pass. The highest/last number is the number of passes in the rule.

    • Pass Time—Execution time in seconds. This is the time taken for the current pass.

    • Cumulative Time—Total execution time in seconds: This is the total time elapsed since the rule execution began.

      Note: Many log messages are generated from the database at the same time, so the Pass Time (sec) only shows the time for each pass as the time taken for that pass, and the Cumulative Time (sec) shows the time taken from the start of the rule. All other rows show as blank.

    • Pass %—Percentage of the total time for that pass of the rule.

    • Cumulative %—Percentage of the total time for all passes of the rule. When all the passes are complete, the cumulative percentage should be 100%.

  4. Optional. Filter the log messages displayed.

    You can filter by the following:

    • Message Number—Select a value from the drop down above the Message Number column.

    • Message Level—Select a value from the drop down above the Message Level column.

    • Message Text—Enter text in the text box above the Message Text column.

    • Pass Only—Select Pass Only in the drop down above the Pass # column to see only the pass numbers and the time each pass took. To return to displaying the compete log information, select the blank option above the Pass # column.


After you deploy business rules to Planning, you can also launch them from within Planning. For information, see Working with Planning.


You can export the log messages to a comma separated value (.csv) file. See Exporting Log Messages to a File.