2 Checklist for Creating an EPM Center of Excellence

Every organization’s journey to the cloud is different. It can depend on the business goals, the team’s cloud knowledge, and the executive sponsorship. Use this checklist as a navigation system that steers your organization through building an EPM CoE. Select all the items in the checklist or just a subset, depending on your organization’s needs.

You can print this list or add it to your own file. As you complete a task, check it off in the right column.

As you create your CoE, keep in mind these key best practices that lead CoEs to successful cloud adoption and transformations:

  • Getting executive support
  • Having dedicated resources
  • Building consensus

Before you get started, if you are working with Oracle Consulting or with an Oracle EPM partner, it is worth including them in the discussions on building the EPM CoE. They might have already built their own framework for an EPM CoE, or they might have experience from previous implementations.