Creating Open Batches for Multiple Periods

You can use the open batch functionality to read file-based data sources with multiple periods and import them into the appropriate POV based on the file name. This feature enables you to automate the process of loading a large number of files. Open batches for multiple periods cannot contain jobs. Additionally, open batches for multiple periods can be scheduled to run periodically.

Files for an open batch multiple period load are stored in the inbox\batches\openbatchml directory.

The names of multiple period batch files consist of the following segments in the following order:

  • File ID—A free-form field used to control load order. Batch files load in alphabetic order by file name.

  • Location

  • Category

  • Start Period

  • End Period

  • Load Method—A two-character item (Character 1 = append or replace, and Character 2 = target append or replace). Valid values are A and R.

Examples of open batch for a multiple period file name:

a_Texas_Actual_ Jan-2004_ Jun-2004_RR.txt (Loc, Cat, Start Period, End Period)


b_TexasDR1_ Jan-2004_ Jun-2004_RR.txt (Data Rule, Start Period, End Period)

To create and process an open batch:

  1. On the Setup tab, under Batch, select Batch Definition.
  2. In the Batch Definition summary area, click Add.

    Use the blank Name and Target Application fields in the Batch Definition summary grid to enter a batch name or target application on which to search.

  3. In the Batch Definition Detail section, select the Definition tab.
  4. In Name, specify the name of the batch definition.
  5. From Target Application, select the name of the target application.
  6. From Type, select Open Batch Multi-Period.
  7. In the Execution Mode drop-down, select Serial.

    The serial execution mode processes files sequentially, requiring that one file complete its process before the next file starts to process.

  8. In Open Batch Directory, specify the folder under: inbox\batches\openbatchml subdirectory where the files to be imported are copied. If this field is blank or null, all files under: inbox\batches\openbatchml are processed.
  9. In File Name Separator, for an open batch type, select the character to use when separating the five segments of a batch file name.


    • ~

    • @

    • ;

    • _

  10. Select Auto Create Data Rule to create the data rule automatically for file-based data loads.

    When Data Management assigns the data rule name, it checks whether a data rule with the "Location_Category" name exists. If the name does not exist, Data Management creates the data rule using the following file name convention:

    • Rule Name–Location_Category

    • Description–"Auto-created data rule"

    • Category–Category

    • File Name–Null

    • Mode–Replace

    To use predefined data rules that load data based on specific categories, leave this field blank

  11. Optional: In the Description field, enter a description of the batch definition.
  12. Click Save.
  13. Stage the file-based data source files by copying them to inbox\batches\openbatch using one of the following methods:
    • Predefined Data Load Rule—To use a predefined data rule that loads data based on specific categories, leave the Auto Create Data Rule field blank on the Batch Definition screen and create the data load rule (see Defining Data Load Rules to Extract Data).

      If you must load to noncontiguous periods in the open batch, create the data rule in which the source period mappings are defined, and use this option.

      Next, create the open batch file name using the following format: FileID_RuleName_Period_LoadMethod. The file id is a free-form field that you can use to control the load order. Batch files load in alphabetic order by file name.

      The load method is defined using two-character code identifying the load method where the first code represents the append or replace method for the source load, and second character represents the accumulate or replace method for the target load.

      For the source load method, available values are:

      • A—Append

      • R—Replace

      For the target load method, available values are:

      • A—Accumulate

      • R—Replace

      Examples of an open batch file name are: a_Texas_Actual04_Jan-2004_RR.txt and b_Texas_Actual04_Jan-2004_RR.txt

    • Auto-Created Data Load Rule—To load data to any location category and have Data Management create the data load rule automatically, create the open batch file name using the format: "FileID_Location_Category_Period_LoadMethod".

      In this case, Data Management looks for the data rule with the name "Location_Category". If it does not exist, Data Management creates the data rule automatically with the name "Location_Category".

      An auto-create data rule is only applicable for contiguous period loads. To load to noncontiguous periods, create the data rule in which the source period mappings are defined.

  14. On the Workflow tab, under Other, select Batch Execution.
  15. In the Batch Execution summary area, select an open batch file, and then click Execute.

    After an open batch is processed, a directory is created and all files within the openbatch directory are moved to it. The new directory is assigned a unique batch ID.


    The Open batch feature is unavailable for the Account Reconciliation Manager.