Downloading the Oracle HCM Cloud Extract Definition


This process enables you to download metadata using Data Management.

To download the Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud extract definition:

  1. Log on to the Oracle HCM Cloud application.

  2. From the Fusion Navigation menu, and then from My Workforce, select Data Exchange.

  3. Launch the Task menu by clicking Tasks Menu icon icon (located on the right side of the screen).

    Image shows Overview tab

  4. From the Task menu, HCM Extracts, select Manage Extract Definitions.

    Image shows the Tasks menu.

  5. Click the eyeglass icon for the extract definition to view the extract run details and status.

    The eyeglasses are on the far right for Assignment Data.

  6. Click the Extract Run that was submitted.

    Verify that the Status column shows a green check mark and the word "Succeeded."

  7. From the Fusion Navigator menu, and then from Payroll, select Checklist.

  8. Select the extract definition that was submitted for the Flow Pattern.

    The process flow name displays after clicking Search.

    Image shows the Payroll Process Flow Name screen.

  9. Click the process flow name link to see the task details.

    Image shows the Task screen.

  10. Click on the Go to Task arrow pointing to the right icon for the process.

    Image shows the Process or Report screen.

  11. From the Actions menu, select View Results for the extract output.

    Image shows Oracle HCM Cloud extract definition.

  12. Download each of the metadata files and load them into the Oracle Hyperion Workforce Planning application.

    For metadata with hierarchy structures, submit the extract, download and load them into the Workforce Planning application.