Metadata Load File Considerations

Consider these points when working with load files:

  • For each dimension in the application, you create a load file with fields corresponding to the dimension properties. Each load file can contain members for only one dimension. You can define multiple members for each dimension.
  • Required fields are different for each dimension being loaded. For detailed information on the properties available for each Planning member, see the Dimension Properties topic in the Administering Planning guide.
  • The member name and parent name must be included as fields in the load file. If a member property value is not specified, the new member will inherit the property values from its parent.
  • When adding new members, unspecified values are inherited from the parent member's property value as appropriate. If the member exists and no value is specified, it is left as is.
  • When you load a member that already exists in the Planning application (for example, to change a property) and a parent is not specified in the load file, the member is left under the existing parent. If a new parent is specified, the member is moved under the new parent.

  • Only one dimension can be loaded per load file.
  • The records are loaded one by one. If a record fails to load, its associated exception is written to the exception file and the load process resumes with the next record.
  • Metadata is loaded in the order provided in the file.
  • Member names with parenthesis are treated as functions.
  • When you load metadata using a data load rule to a Planning application, the export mode parameter must be set to " Store Data".