Factoring Productivity Changes into Demand FTE

If your administrator enabled Expected Productivity Gains Factor, you can use the Expected Productivity value to account for the impact on the productivity of FTE beyond that of Demand Scale. For example, you plan to acquire a new automated system or improve a process, which improves productivity and reduces the impact on Demand FTE.

As an example, assume that FY16 is the baseline year with an FTE of 50 Call Center Operators handling 1,000 calls per year:

Screenshot of table showing the impact of Expected Productivity values over years. The numbers are explained in the following paragraph.

You expect the number of calls to the Call Center (the demand driver) to double from FY16 to FY17, but you also plan to buy a new call answering system, which will increase productivity. You set Expected Productivity to 5% of the Previous Year’s Ratio, which assumes a 5% productivity gain. So, doubling the number of calls (from 1,000 to 2,000) requires only 95% of the Previous Year’s Ratio to meet the demand. The Demand FTE is decreased because the ratio that determines how many FTE are needed is based on the demand driver value (that is, the number of calls) and the Expected Productivity gains (that is, the new call answering system).


The calculation that determines the Demand FTE factors in the values you set for both Demand Scale and Expected Productivity. See Scaling Demand FTE.