Viewing and Adjusting the Demand FTE

You can see a summary of the calculated demand FTE over years, based on your demand drivers and their calculation logic. You can also adjust the FTE, which affects the Total Demand FTE for each job. Adjustment FTE values are factored into the Previous Year's Ratio calculation logic.

To see a summary of or adjust the calculated FTE:

  1. Click Demand Strategic Workforce Planning Demand icon.
  2. Click Demand FTE by Entity or Demand FTE by Job.

    Demand FTE by Entity has the Entity dimension on the POV, with the Job dimension on the row. Demand FTE by Job has the Job dimension on the POV with Entity on the row. The two tabs share the same data and instructions for entering values. Their only difference is that their axes are reversed for the Entity and Job dimensions.

  3. View the currently calculated FTE.

  4. To adjust the FTE, enter an adjustment factor under Demand FTE Adjustment.

    For example, if you plan to hire 3 Engineers in the coming year, enter 3 in the cell for Engineer. Adjustments you enter on either Demand FTE by Entity or Demand FTE by Job are reflected in both tabs.