Setting Demand Data by Entity or Job

Different jobs might depend on different driver calculations, which in turn calculate the demand data. For example, Sales Representatives might be related to the revenue sales driver; for every $1,000,000 in revenue, you need one Sales Representative. The number of production line personnel might be derived from the units sold driver. Customer Support data might be related to the number of support calls.

You assign the demand driver that is appropriate for each strategic job on either the Demand Data by Entity or Demand Data by Job tab. One form has the Entity dimension on the POV with the Job dimension on the row, and the other has Job on the POV with Entity on the row. The two forms share the same data points and instructions for entering values. The only difference is that their axes are reversed for the Entity and Job dimensions.

On the Demand Data by Entity and the Demand Data by Job tabs, you can:

  • Assign the demand driver that is appropriate for each strategic job.
  • Optionally enter an override to the default driver calculation logic that is set at the demand driver level on the Demand Driver Data form. Change the calculation logic only if you want to override the calculation logic for a job.
  • Enter an optional demand scaling factor if Demand Driver Scaling Factor is enabled and if the calculation logic is based on Previous Year's Ratio. See Scaling Demand FTE.
  • Enter the demand rate for calculation logic based on Demand = Driver / Rate or Demand = Driver * Rate (or Custom calculation logic, depending on its logic).

To assign demand drivers to jobs:

  1. Click Demand Strategic Workforce Planning Demand icon.

  2. Click Demand Data by Entity or Demand Data by Job.

  3. Select the entity to work with and the job you want to assign a demand driver for.

  4. Under Assumptions, select a demand driver.

    Your administrator defines the demand drivers when configuring Strategic Workforce Planning.

  5. To override the default calculation logic that is set on the Demand Driver Data form, under Calculation Logic, select how to calculate the driver for a job:

    • Previous Year's Ratio
    • Demand = Driver / Rate
    • Demand = Driver * Rate
    • Custom
  6. For drivers whose calculation logic is Demand = Driver / Rate or Demand = Driver * Rate (or Custom, depending on how it's defined), under Demand Rate, enter the rate. For example:

    • The Driver is Consulting Revenue, which is $15M
    • The Rate for the Job called Partner is $5M
    • So, for every $5M in Revenue, you need 1 FTE for the Partner Job
  7. Under Demand Scale, enter a scaling factor.

    Demand Scale is available only if Demand Driver Scaling Factor is enabled, and applies only if the calculation logic is Previous Year's Ratio (or Custom calculation logic, depending on how it's defined). See Scaling Demand FTE.

  8. Under Expected Productivity, enter a value to adjust your anticipated demand for strategic jobs by factoring in possible gains or losses in productivity.

    To indicate 25%, enter .25. Expected Productivity is available only if Expected Productivity Gains Factor is enabled. See Factoring Productivity Changes into Demand FTE.