About the Benefits and Taxes Wizard

Using business-based questions, a wizard guides you through the steps to defining options for Benefits and Additional Earnings and defining tiers for (employer-paid) Taxes.


  • Additional Earnings: Overtime Pay, Merit Increase

  • Benefits: Health Insurance, House Loan, Car Allowance

  • Employer-paid Taxes: US FICA, Canada Pension Plan (CPP)

In the wizard, you specify the logic, such as whether a tax rate is a flat amount, a percentage of salary, incurred monthly, quarterly, or annually, and so on. You can also use the wizard to maintain taxes, benefits, and additional earnings. Each component can vary by scenario and version.

To launch the wizard, from Configure, click the Benefits and Taxes link. Use Filter to select the component to configure. You are guided through three steps: Details, Rates, and Review.


  • Ensure that all entities have a rate and threshold (if the component uses a threshold). If the same rates and thresholds apply globally, run the rule Copy Rates Across Entities from a source entity. See Applying Rates by Hierarchy.

  • Whenever you update an entity default for a benefit, tax, or additional earning, you must run the Synchronize Defaults rule to apply the entity default at the employee-job level. When you update an existing component (a benefit, tax, or additional benefit) in the wizard, you must run the Synchronize Component Definition rule to push the updated definition to employees and jobs.