
The Footnote text function, used in Text Objects only, returns the requested information about footnotes within a given report object. Footnote prints information about footnotes that occur in the object specified, or in all the objects in the report if the first parameter is set to "all". When a grid is referenced, all the footnotes on the grid are printed. The partial POV footnotes print first, followed by any full POV footnotes. The full POV footnotes print in order based on the location of the cell from top left to bottom right, page by page. More than one syntax is supported.


Footnote("ObjectName, Attributes, Reference, Attachments")


Footnote("ObjectName", Attributes)

Footnote("ObjectName", Attributes, Reference)

Footnote("ObjectName", Attributes, Attachments)

Argument Description


Name of the report object containing the footnotes. If "all", the function returns all available footnotes from all objects in the report. The ObjectName parameter is updated when a grid object is renamed.


Information returned from the footnote. This may include the following keywords:

  • All (default value)

  • A combination of one or more of these keywords; Title, Description (Desc), Author, Date, Category

The Attributes keywords may be arranged in the preferred order of output. Separate each attribute with an ampersand (&).


Keyword denoting which annotations will be returned where:

  • All (default value)—The initial annotation and all replies.

  • Top <n>—The initial annotation and first replies. (The initial annotation is always shown, and the number does not include the initial annotation.)

  • Bottom—The initial annotation and the last number of replies specified in Bottom <n>. (The initial annotation is always shown, and the number does not include the initial annotation.)

  • BottomOnly <n>—The last replies. The initial annotation is not shown unless there are less replies than the BottomOnly <n> number. For example, BottomOnly 5 for an annotation with five replies does not show the initial annotation, but for an annotation with four replies, the initial annotation is shown.

  • First—The initial annotation only.

  • Replies— All the replies except the initial annotation.


Boolean (true/false) value indicating whether any attachments should be printed with the footnote.

  • True—Attachments print along with the report, at the end.

  • False (default value)—Attachments do not print.


<<Footnote("Grid1", All, All, true)>>

<<Footnote(All, All, All, true)>>

<<Footnote(All, All, Bottom 2, true)>>

<<Footnote(All, All, BottomOnly 20, true)>>

<<Footnote(All, All, First, true)>>

<<Footnote(All, All, Replies, true)>>

<<Footnote("Grid1", Title & Description & Author & Date & Category, All, true)>>

<<Footnote("Text1", Title & Description & Date & Category, Top 10, false)>>

<<Footnote("Image1", Title & Description & Author, Bottom 4, false)>>

<<Footnote("Text1", Title&Description&Author, BottomOnly 12)>>

<<Footnote("Image1", Title&Description&Author, First)>>

<<Footnote("Grid2", Title&Description&Author, Replies)>>

<<Footnote("Grid Name")>>

<<Footnote(all, All)>>

<<Footnote(cur, Description)>>

<<Footnote(cur, title & Description, true)>>

<<Footnote(cur, title & Author & Description, false)>>

<<Footnote("folder1\folder 2\Grid1", title & Description&Category, Top20)>>

<<Footnote("folder1\folder 2\Grid1", title & Description&Category, Bottom 2)>>

<<Footnote("folder1\folder 2\Chart2", title & Description, Top 20, False)>>

<<Footnote("current", title & Description, All)>>

<<Footnote("current", title & Description, first)>>

<<Footnote(All, Title&Description&author, Top 40, true)>>