
GetCell is a text function that returns a data value from a grid.


<<GetCell("GridName", Row, Column, Page)>>

Argument Description


Name of a grid or the Current keyword.


Numeric value representing the row number of the grid. The first row in a grid has an index of one, the second row has an index of two, and so on. The Current keyword can also be used.


Letter representing the column of the grid. The first column in a grid has an index of A, the second column has an index of B, and so on.


Numeric value representing the page dimension index of the grid. The first page dimension in a grid has an index of one, the second page dimension has an index of two, and so on.

Considerations when using GetCell:

  • If the row or column parameters refer to a segment that expands, the top-left expanded cell is used. You can refer to any expanded cell using the "range" notation.

  • GetCell only supports the Current keyword when used in a grid cell; not in a text box object, header, or footer.The Current keyword can be used in any of the parameters to make the function more dynamic. See Using the Current/Cur Keyword in a Text Function.


Set up a grid to show the net income for several quarters, and display this value in a text box that contains an executive summary of the report.

The grand total for the period was <<GetCell("mygrid",21,B,1)>>

The report is created with the value in the cell that is in row 21, column B of a grid, and is on the first page dimension.