Unmatch Matched Transactions (Transaction Matching)

Unmatches matched transactions in Transaction Matching. Users must specify the match type and one or more match Ids associated with this match type for which transactions must be unmatched.

For Transaction Matching profiles that are integrated with Reconciliation Compliance, the unmatch operation is skipped if the Accounting Date of one or more transactions that are being unmatched is lower than the Purge Through Date of the reconciliation.

REST Resource

POST       /arm/rest/{api_version}/jobs

Required Roles

Service Administrator, Power User, Preparer, or Profiles and Reconciliations - Manage

The user who created a profile can also unmatch transactions associated with that profile.


Supported Media Types: application/json


The following table summarizes the client request specific to this job.


Name Description Type Required
api_version Version of the API you are working with: v1 Path Yes
jobName The name of a job, such as unmatchtransactions Payload Yes
matchTypeTextId The ID of the match type to which the matched transactions belong Payload Yes

The Match Ids, in a comma separated array

A maximum of 10,000 Match Ids can be specified. Transactions with the following status are considered for unmatching: Confirmed Match, Confirmed Adjust, Suggested Match, Suggested Adjust.

Payload Yes

Valid values are:

  • True - Reconciliations will be reopened if the Adjustment Accounting Date is less than the Closed Through Date.
  • False - Matched transactions whose Adjustment Accounting Date is less than the Closed Through Date are skipped. This is the default setting.
Payload No

Example of request body

 "jobName": "unmatchtransactions",
 "parameters": {
   "matchTypeTextId": "IC120",
   "forceReopen": false


Supported Media Types: application/json

Example of Response Body

The following is an example of the response body in JSON format.

    "type": "TM",
    "items": null,
    "error": null,
    "link": null,
    "status": -1,
    "details": null

  "links": [
            "rel": "self",
            "href": "https://<BASE-URL>/arm/rest/v1/jobs/100000002574034",
            "action": "GET"
        }    ]

To get the status of the unmatch transactions job and view its details, see Retrieve Job Status (Transaction Matching).