Essbase Block Analysis Report

Use this REST API to create an Oracle Essbase Block Analysis Report that helps you analyze Oracle Essbase data to support the tuning of Block Storage Option (BSO) cubes (generally, used for calculations) in your application. The Essbase Block Analysis report is helpful to resolve performance issues resulting from patterns of data; for example, repeated numbers in Essbase BSO cubes.

The Essbase Block Analysis report provides information in these areas:

  • Percentage of blocks with only Zero: Shows the blocks that contain only zeros as a percentage of all the blocks contained in the export file.

  • Top 10 Repeated Numerical Cell Values By Percentage of Numerical Cells: Shows the top 10 repeated values as a percentage of all the values in the export file.

  • Top 100 Dense Member Combinations with Repeated Values: Shows the top 100 dense combinations with repeated values in the cube. The "Cell Value" column shows a value for each member, in the order it appears in the hierarchy, as a different column. For example, if Period is across the column, there will be a different column for January, February, and so on. Other dense dimension(s) appear in the rows. This should help you identify the locations of the repeated values.

Before executing this API, use the Export Essbase Data (v2) API to export the data from the cube for which you want to create the Block Analysis report to a zip file. You may export level0 or all data as needed. Execute this API to create the Block Analysis report for this zip file. The report is created in the outbox; you can use the Download API to download it to a local computer or the Send Email (v1) or Send Email (v2) API to email it.

This API is version v1.

Required Roles

Service Administrator

REST Resource

POST /interop/rest/diag/v1/services/essbaseblockanalysisreport


Before using the REST resources, you must understand how to access the REST resources and other important concepts. See Implementation Best Practices for EPM Cloud REST APIs. Using this REST API requires prerequisites. See Prerequisites.


Supported Media Types: application/json

The following table summarizes the POST request parameters:

Table 9-92 Parameters

Name Description Type Required Default
exportDataFile Name of the zip file that contains the Essbase data that was previously exported from a BSO cube Payload Yes None
reportFile Name for the HTML formatted Block Analysis Report file Payload Yes None

Sample URL and Payload

https//<BASE URL>/interop/rest/diag/v1/services/essbaseblockanalysisreport



Supported Media Types: application/json

Table 9-93 Parameters

Name Description
details Detailed status of the operation performed.
status See Migration Status Codes
links Detailed information about the link and HTTP call type
items Detailed information about the API
href Links to API call or status API
action The HTTP call type
rel Possible values: self or Job Status. If the value is set to Job Status, you can use the href to get the status
data Parameters as key value pairs passed in the request

Example of Response Body

    "details": null,
    "status": -1,
    "items": [],
    "links": [
            "action": "POST",
            "rel": "self",
            "data": null
            "action": "GET",
            "rel": "Job Status",
            "data": null